Category Archives: Dates to Remember

Moviethon Planning Meeting Monday Night!


The fundraising committee is meeting this Monday, February 13 at 6.00 pm via Zoom. 

All community members – students, staff and parents/guardians are invited to attend, share their ideas, and share their talents!  Many hands makes a light load! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Questions? contact Karen at

Steller is the Place to Be!

We all know Steller is a great place to learn – help us get the word out! Encourage your friends and neighbours to come to our Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, February 15, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. 

It would be great if you could download our poster and pamphlet below and share on social media, or where ever there are kids and parents. 

If you have a connection to an elementary school in Anchorage and would be willing to reach out to their administration or PTA let us know. Having a personal recommendation is such a powerful testament. 

Dee Dee Zobian and Amy Dummann 

Chairs, Steller Parent Group 

Blind Date with a Book at Steller Library!


Blind date with a book! The Steller library has combined the thrill of a new book with the excitement and surprise of having a book chosen for you. Come pick up a wrapped book, who knows maybe you’ve been reading about the Italian Renaissance when it’s really robots fighting with cats in a dystopian future that you’ll fall for.  Maybe it’s a mystery or a graphic novel? Hard to say! Come check out one of the Blind Date wrapped books at the Steller library this month.  Each blind date book you check out comes with M&Ms because Valentines is really all about the chocolate, right? 

Bonney DeArmoun

Steller Librarian

Steller Spirit Week February 6 to 10!

Poster showing spirt week events (in text)

In celebration of the dance next Friday, we have spirit days! There will be costume contests held after school!

  • Monday (2/6): Monochrome (Color Themed and/or Frog Themed)
  • Tuesday (2/7): Fun Hats and/or Wacky Hair
  • Wednesday (2/8): Characters and/or Costumes
  • Thursday (2/9): Formal and/or Royalty
  • Friday (2/10): Pajama Day (B.Y.O.B. Bring Your Own Blanket)

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to chaperone the Dance on Friday night. Please make sure you have completed the volunteer application with ASD.

We are still looking for people to help with Prom – chaperones, decorations and set up. 


Volunteers for Valentine’s Dance and Prom!!

Steller dances are one of my favorite volunteer opportunities! It’s a great way to get an inside peek at the Steller Way in action.

Steller’s 9th grade class will be hosting a Valentine’s Dance on Friday, February 10th from 7-11pm at the Steller MPR. The dance is open to all Steller students. We are in need of 4 volunteers for the dance from 6:45pm-11:15pm. For questions contact Ashley. 

Steller Prom Committee is also looking for some volunteer help! For questions contact Allison. 

Check out the Sign Up Genius here.

(Don’t forget – ASD requires all volunteers to complete the ASD Volunteer Application before they can volunteer, and it takes about a week. See here for more information





New Student Recruitment Volunteers Needed!

Greetings Steller Community!

The ASD lottery for the 2023/2024 school year opens February 1 and closes March 23. We have several exciting things happening for recruitment this year, and many opportunities for you to help.

  • A new video, featuring our awesome students, staff, and parents is being made.
  • Students and staff will be attending several elementary schools to speak with incoming 7th graders about what it’s like here at Steller.

Steller will also have a table at two important school fairs, and we need parent volunteers to help out. 

  • Saturday, January 28 1-4pm at Loussac Library
  • Saturday, February 4, 12-4 at Ed Centre 

We are super excited to be back to hosting the Steller Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, February 15th 6-7.30pm 

To volunteer please use Sign up Genius here. 

Steller Parent Group is also hoping to be able to speak at the parent group meetings at as many of our feeder schools as possible. If you have connections to any schools, or would be interested in presenting, please contact our chairs at 

Questions? Contac



Steller Fundraising Meeting

Following our very successful fundraiser this fall Cups for Kids, SPG is planning a community oriented fundraiser for the spring. 

Next Fundraising Meeting – January 30th at 6pm via Zoom. 

  • Bear Tooth Theater “Moviethon” on March 26 (matinee).  This will be a collaboration with Bear Tooth where SPG receives a portion of box office sales for a particular movie night.
    • We will discuss what movie to watch, fundraising activity like a raffle or silent auction and other logistics.
  • Pick Click Give 

Parents and guardians, students and staff are all invited to attend this meeting and share their ideas! For questions please contact Karen or Lea at

SPG’s fundraiser, Cups for Kids, was a great success!

Cups for Kids has raised $14,192.93! 

We are at 47% of our annual goal!

If you haven’t had a chance to donate, there’s still time! Click DONATE on the right.

If donating isn’t in your family’s budget this year, here are other ways to support Steller…

  • Join the Fundraising Committee.  Be part of the team that plans and executes SPG fundraisers so we can support our Steller students. 
  • Come to Steller Parent Group’s monthly meetings.  As Maria says “ It’s crucial that your voice is heard as we make decisions for the future of Steller.” Agendas include:
    • budgeting – vote on how to spend the donated funds
    • approving funding requests
    • planning events
    • reports from the Principle, Staff, and OP Group
    • getting to know the inner workings at Steller, as well as each other
      • Every second Tuesday of the month, 6-7:30pm
      • The next meeting is December 13th (via Zoom)
      • This year will be a mix of in-person and Zoom meetings 
  • Join the Finance Committee.  Review funding requests and make recommendations.
  • Join the SPG Board.
    • No previous experience with Steller or other school boards necessary
    • Always open positions, like Member at Large and Co-officers
  • Volunteer for fun events, like:
    • Organize the Spring or Fall teacher appreciation luncheon
    • Help at All Community Meetings
    • Chaperone dances
    • Provide website help
    • Or let us know your specialty and we’ll match you to a volunteer job 
  • Sign up for Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer, and Office Depot awards. For easy instructions, click here and scroll to the bottom.

For more info or to help in any of these ways, email

Steller Parent Group Meeting

Come one, come all!

Please come to SPG’s monthly meeting

3 pillars of Steller:

  1. Students
  2. Staff
  3. Parents & Guardians

Active participation by all three in the running of the school is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

Join us for the November Steller Parent Group meeting, and find out what’s happening at school, share your ideas, and get to know fellow families and staff. 

We meet the second Tuesday of the month, and you can find the agenda by the Sunday before the meeting . This month we will be voting on funding requests and discussing our biggest fundraiser of the year (Cups for Kids).

Thank you to all the students and adults that have already signed up to volunteer for specific positions, or to be general helpers.  

Click here to volunteer for Cups for Kids!

Thank you!


SPG news: All State Band and SPG Meeting

Steller Band Sends Two Students to All-State 

Steller Band students, Sarah Duot-Kelley on flute and Bjorn van der Goore on bass clarinet, have been selected to participate with the 2022 Alaska All-State Band.  

Bjorn is a junior and earned a regular chair. This is his 2nd year in a row with All-State Band. Sarah is a senior and this will be her first time.  

“I am delighted to see these highly accomplished students go through such a competitive audition process,” said Mr. Toba, band director. “Participation for All-State is the pinnacle for high school musicians in Alaska.  I am so proud of our All-Staters.”

The All-State Gala Concert will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at West High School, starting at 6 p.m.  Admission will be $10 for adults and $5 for students.  The public is invited.


SPG Meeting: Tuesday, November 8th

Come one, come all!

Click here for the Agenda