Category Archives: Dates to Remember

Read the Answers to the Steller Future Q & A now!

The questions we are facing as a community are:

With the move of all grade 6 students to Middle School, should Steller:

  • Become a 6 to 12 school
  • Become a 9 to 12 school

With ASD high schools adopting an Academy Model as part of the Career, College and Life ready Strategy should Steller:

  • Adopt an Academy Model
  • Not adopt an Academy Model
  • Adopt an Academy model – with proposed modifications,  the details of which will be discussed next semester

There are three parts to this decision making process:

FIRST: Learn

ASD website information  Middle School    Academy Model

 Fact Sharing Parent Forum (video recording from September 21)

Steller Principal’s response to Google Form for Questions, Concerns & Suggestions specific to Steller (September 21 to 29 and at October 10 at  SPG meeting. 

The meetings on October 16 and 19th are part of the DISCUSSION phase of the process. The purpose is to facilitate parent discussion of the pros and cons of options at hand to help make informed decisions. Please make sure you have read the information from the ASD website and The Future of Steller BEFORE the meeting. We will not be answering questions or presenting new information at these meetings. 


Steller Parent Group sessions for discussion. October 16 (by Zoom) OR October 19 (in person).

Community SURVEY with questions as above,.October 11 to 29

THIRD: Decide

All Community Meeting where, per our bylaws, the community VOTES on our final PROPOSAL to ASD. Need quorum of 75 SPG members, including 15 students for the vote to be valid (November 2). Maria to present our proposal to ASD. 

ASD will make the final decision. 

Follow up discussions regarding implementation of any decision we/ASD makes will take place in the second semester.

Big changes are coming to Steller!

Big changes are coming to ASD and the STELLER.

This is the Steller Philosophy in action! We have an opportunity to share our voice. We have a responsibility to become educated about the issues at hand. If we don’t participate, then we have to live with the consequences. Don’t miss your chance! 

Learn about the issues at hand.

SHARE your ideas at one of the Parent Forums hosted by SPG:

  • Monday, October 16, 7:00 to 8:30 Via Zoom
  • Thursday, October 19, 6:00 to 7:30 in person at school

Decide what you think is the best for Steller’s future so we can advocate effectively.

  • November 2, 2023

Questions? contact Maria

Future of Steller (Meeting 1 Video)

Major changes are coming to ASD and Steller in the 2024 school year:

  • All ASD high schools are going to become Academies starting with the 2024 Freshman year. 
  • All grade 6 students will be moved to middle school.
  • New schedule changes will be implemented.

These changes have a direct impact on Steller’s future, and our community is being given an opportunity to make a recommendation to the board about what Steller wants to do.

In November we will be asked if we want to:

  • Become a 6 to 12 school.
  • Become a 9 to 12 school.
  • Stay 7 to 12 school.
  • Join the ASD Academy or if we want to do something different. 

It is important to be informed about these issues in order to make the best recommendations we can, in the interest of our current and future students.

  1. Listen to the presentation from September 21st (see above). View the accompanying slide show.
  2. Visit the ASD website:
  3. Ask your questions to Maria using this form.
  4. Follow the Steller Website for updates.

How you can have your voice heard:

  1. Listen to the answers to community questions 
    • Steller Parent Group Meeting on Tuesday, October 10.
  2. Share questions, comments, concerns at the SPG parent forum:
    • Monday October 16, 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom OR
    • Thursday October 19, 6:00 to 7:30 pm at school.
  3. Make our final recommendation 
    • All Community Forum on November 2nd (we need a quorum of 75 people) 


Cups for Kids Fundraiser


Hello Steller Families and Students!

Steller Parent Group is excited to announce our annual fundraiser, Cups for Kids!

On October 2, 3, & 4, during drop off and pick up, you are invited to either join us in the lobby for coffee or cocoa or students will bring coffee or cocoa to your car.. Students will be ready to take your donation. 

How to Donate: 

  • Cash or checks (made out to Steller Parent Group) are accepted.
  • With a credit card via QR code or directly on the SPG website 

Volunteer to help:

Volunteers are needed to make this event happen. Thank you to all those who have already signed up to volunteer or lead a shift! Sign up to help and ask your student to help and volunteer together! 

Training for shift leads and volunteers will be offered Friday 9/29/23 at either 8:30am-9am or 2pm-2:30pm at Steller in the kitchen area. 

Warm regards,

Steller Parent Group

P.S. Please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

Questions? Please contact Monica at 

Big Changes are Coming to ASD and Steller!

An Important Message from Maria (sent out via email September 12);

As you are aware, the Anchorage School District has been making many changes to support students’ needs and provide new opportunities for growth.  These changes include moving all 6th graders into Middle Schools, changes to school start times, and the College/Career/Life Ready (CCL) academic model.  With all these changes come many shifts for us in the Steller community.  Our three pillars of Steller: Students, Staff and Parents will be an integral part in guiding the future of our community.

To ensure that everyone is aware of what all these changes mean, we are going to be holding some forums and meetings in the coming months.

Our first initial Fact Sharing Parent Forum will be held  Thursday, September 21, 6:00-7:30pm at Steller. We will have an ASD representative from Teaching & Learning to discuss College/Career/Life Ready academy model, and we will present facts around 6th graders moving to middle school and school start times.

To get familiar with these district initiatives, please check out ASD’s link to Q&As and lots of great information: . For Steller specific questions, concerns, and suggestions we will have a survey coming soon, where you will be able to provide your input. This survey will be opened from September 21 – 28.

All three pillars will have an opportunity to discuss these topics and the impacts to Steller. We will utilize the information gathered from the original survey to guide our discussions. So, take the time to provide your input. Students will have a chance to have discussions within their Advisory groups starting Monday, September 25. Staff has been discussing and will have a more in-depth meeting held on Tuesday, October 3.

The Steller Parent Group (SPG) will be holding various discussion meetings for parents and community members. During the SPG Tuesday, October 10 meeting SPG will provide an overview of the topics and have data from the original survey to share, along with a short discussion. In addition, SPG will hold 2 meetings where they will share key facts and break into smaller groups to further discuss concerns. Meetings will be held Monday, October 16, 7:00-8:30pm via Zoom and Thursday, October 19, 6:00-7:30pm in person at Steller.

After these meetings and discussions our goal as a community is to present the district with what we would like Steller’s future to be. All of you are encouraged to vote on what the future will hold through an online survey that will be open October 11th through October 31st. We will then hold an All-Community Meeting where the results of the vote will be shared along with a proposal to move forward within ASD.

Our philosophy reads, “Steller is a school devoted to the creation of independent, courageous people capable of dealing with the shifting complexities of the modern world.” As an educational leader, I am committed to our Steller philosophy and as part of that commitment, I encourage all of you to be a part of this process. It is time for Steller’s three pillars to come together and help guide what Steller’s next 50 years will look like. Thank you in advance for taking the time to be involved, see you all at our upcoming meetings.



Read more about this in the SPG Meeting Minutes and Slides from September 12.

FROM ASD WEBSITE on the Move to Academy Learning Model:

The primary strategy for achieving transformation will be the creation of career-themed academies in our local high schools. The academies will provide students with planned elective pathways within each high school beginning with an orientation experience or Freshman Academy during their 9th-grade year.

Students will choose an academy pathway within one of the available career-themed academies at the end of their freshman year. The academy pathway is made up of a sequence of at least three elective courses aligned to a viable college, trade school and / or career pathway that are completed during the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

The progression of courses will be coupled with learning experiences that bring businesses and college / trade school partners into the school setting and send students out to college / trade school campuses and into the workplace to explore and apply what they are learning in high school at a deeper level.


From ASD Website on Moving 6th Grade to Middle School:

On 2/21/23, the Board voted 6-1 for this year (2023) to be a planning year, and for all (comprehensive) 6th grade students to move to middle school in the 2024/25 school year.

Steller is the only 7 to 12 school in the district, and this change will directly impact us in 2024.

From ASD Website on School Start Times:



September and October DATES:

  • Thursday, September 21 6:00 to 7:30 Listen and Learn about BIG CHANGES to ASD and Steller 
  • September 21 to 30 Ask your questions on the online survey 
  • October 2 to 4 Cups for Kids Fundraiser. Join SPG for Coffee in the foyer in the morning. Donate via QR code, online, cash or cheque.
  • Tuesday, October 10 6:00 to 7:30 SPG meeting – hear answers to the Q & A, vote on Intensive Request for Funding
  • Monday, October 16 7:00 to 8:30 Zoom Meeting for parental input on changes OR 
  • Thursday, October 19 6:00 to 7:30 In person meeting for parental input on changes.
  • Thursday, November 2 (TBC) All Community Meeting to vote on Steller Recommendations for 2024 school year and beyond.

Our Annual Fundraiser – Cups for Kids – is coming soon!


Hello Steller Families and Students!

Steller Parent Group is excited to announce our annual fundraiser

Cups for Kids!  October 2, 3, & 4.  

Please help us meet our fundraising goal of $15,000

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and will help to support:

  • Intensives 
  • Teacher grants like Brian’s Electronic Music Class
  • Leadership Club 
  • Community events like the BBQ
  • Staff appreciation
  • and whatever else members of our community request! 

You are invited to join us in the lobby for coffee or cocoa and students will also bring coffee and cocoa to your car during drop off and pick up.  They’ll also be ready to take your donation


  1. Cash or checks (made out to Steller Parent Group) are accepted when you receive your coffee/cocoa or in the office.
  2. With a credit card via QR code or directly on the SPG website 

We also need volunteers to help make this event happen.  Ask your student to help and volunteer together! 

Warm regards,

Steller Parent Group

P.S. Please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

Questions? Please contact Monica at 



Zoom link for Tuesday Meeting


Steller Parent Group will have our first meeting Tuesday, September 12, 6:00pm to 7:30pm in person and via zoom.

Topic: SPG Meeting

Time: Sep 12, 2023 06:00 PM Alaska

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 0084 7163

Passcode: 477461

Dates to Remember:

  • September 13 to September 20 Vote for SPG budget online
  • September 12 register for 14 PSAT for grade 10 and 11
  • September 13 6:30 to 8:00 College Prep Family Night
  • September 21 6:00 to 7:30 Grade 6 community forum – this is an opportunity to learn more about adding grade 6 students to our school and share feedback. 
  • October 10 6:00 to 7:30 Next SPG meeting



Volunteering at Steller

Volunteering at Steller 

All volunteers must complete the ASD Volunteer Form annually. 

Steller Philosophy is built on the Three Pillars: Students, Staff, and Parents & Guardians working together to build the community and learning experiences we want. There are many opportunities for ALL our community members to get involved and make a difference at Steller! 

Steller Parent Group organizes volunteers on behalf of the staff and student groups and our own initiatives. We will post requests and links to Sign Up Genius on our website as needs arise. 

School Hosted Events and Activities

Occasionally SPG will help recruit volunteers for school lead activities like the following:

  • Intensives       
  • Open House and Ice Cream Social  
  • Steller Olympics 
  • Dances
  • Souper Steller
  • Field Trips

Steller Parent Group Hosted Events and Activities      

The mission of the Steller Parent Group is to promote involvement in school activities, to solicit address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policies facing the Steller Community, and to support fundraising activities and facilitate the disbursement of those funds. 

Steller Parent Group meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12 in person and via Zoom. Watch for the announcements on the Steller Flash (SUBSCRIBE HERE). You can find meeting agendas and minutes on this website.  

We have need for both leadership positions, and volunteers on the date of events, and various time commitments. This is just a summary to get a sense. Visit our Google Form here for a complete list, and to indicate your interest. 

  • Steller Finance Committee – one student, one member at large. Monthly review of funding requests and recommendation at SPG meeting; conduct annual review; prepare budget for approval by SPG (2-4 hours/month).
  • Fundraising Committee – co-chair, and volunteers to help the chair plan and execute Cups for Kids in October, and seek out other fundraising opportunities. Students are especially invited to get involved here! 
  • Advocacy Committee – help plan advocacy and communication on behalf of Steller with ASD.
  • Student Recruitment Committee – support Steller Staff in student recruitment and school promotion. 
  • Webmaster: Assist migrating SPG website to a new host, updating themes and plugins, and possible redesign. 
  • Zoom/Tech Guru: Setup and monitor Zoom at all monthly SPG general meetings and link to external monitor and speaker (5:30-8PM, second Tuesday of month x 9 months)
  • 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee – help plan celebrations for Steller’s 50th Anniversary! 

If you would like to know more about any of these roles, or have your own idea for something SPG could do reach out to our chairs – Dee Dee and Amy at 

Dates to Remember (this is NOT comprehensive!)

View and subscribe to the Steller Calendar here

Wednesday, August 30 6:00 to 7:30 Back to School Night (meet the teachers) and All Community Meeting (meet Steller Parent Group and other families)

Monday, September 4, Labour Day – No School for Students

Tuesday, September 12 6:00 to 7:30 Steller Parent Group Meeting in person and via Zoom. We will present the budget at this meeting, and then share with the wider community for a vote via email. 

Thursday, September 21 6th Grade Community Forum details tba

Have a Great First Day Back!

Whether it’s a first day at a new school or first day back after summer, we hope everyone has a great time! 

Check out the District Website for:

School Start Times and Bell Schedule for 2023/2024

View and subscribe to the Steller Calendar.

Schedule for Thursday, August 17th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Advisory Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM – Students meet in their Grade Groups

Schedule for Friday, August 18th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Grade Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM Students meet in Advisory Groups

Save the Date:

Wednesday, August 30: Back to School (meet the teachers) and All Community Meeting (meet the Steller Community and Steller Parent Group) 

Tuesday, September 12: Steller Parent Group Meeting – Report from Principal and Staff, Budget, Committee sign up and more! 

Steller Parent Group