Category Archives: General Announcements

Student GoFundMe Page

Hello my name is Ethan King and I am raising money for the Wusi Primary School’s library. This school is located in Taita Hills, Kenya, and right now they are lacking in books for their 800 students.

I am raising money for this schools library as a part of my Passages project. I have been in communication with both the school headmaster and the school’s teachers and they have provided me with several budgets detailing the exact books they would like to purchase with the funds they receive. In Kenya $10 can purchase up to 8 English reader books.

Please visit the GoFundMe page to donate so that the school can buy books for students.

Steller Graduation

Steller graduation will be May 20 at the Wendy Williamson Theater at UAA at 3:00 pm.  Seniors have a breakfast in the morning at 7:30 am, go to the Wendy Williamson between 10-12:00 pm for rehearsal and to drop off chairs on stage, and then return to the Wendy Williamson at 2:00 pm for graduation.  The graduation ceremony will begin at 3:00 and will have an opportunity for each person to speak for up to 3 minutes.Contact Becky or Simone with any questions.

Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday April 9

This week, Tuesday April 9th 6:00-7:30– Join Parent Group to hear updates from Principal Reed Whitmore, as well as student reports from Op Group, news from teachers, and upcoming opportunities for families and students. Parent group is a great way to learn more about making the most of Steller, navigating middle school and high school, and helping to support student travel opportunities and other non-traditional learning at Steller. Newcomers and new ideas are always welcome! Parent Group meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm in Ken’s room. If you have any items for the agenda, please email them to:

Steller Movie Night – This Friday!

Hola Steller Community! This Friday there will be a movie night hosted by the students of the Alaska Tourism Intensive. There is no admission fee to attend, however, all of the proceeds will go towards covering the costs for the exchange students coming up from Ecuador this spring. Let’s take a night off from our busy week to enjoy and celebrate Latin American culture. We hope to see you there!

Ten Foods to Reduce Anxiety

How does food help with anxiety one may ask? Anxiety is caused in part by an imbalance of neurotransmitters, explains Ali Miller, R.D., an integrative dietitian and author of “The anti-anxiety Diet”. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers believed to play a role in mood regulation. A diet that feature nutrients from whole food ingredients helps create neurotransmitter balance by improving the gut microbiome….