Category Archives: General Announcements

Biomedical Science Class at West High

Hello Steller Families,

West High School is offering a new 7th hour class ” Principles of Biomedical Science”, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019, from 2:15 pm-4:15 pm.

After School Class Opportunity:

West Medical is offering a new 7th hour class called Principles of Biomedical Science.  This class is a fun, hands-on science class that is full of biomedical labs and projects. Grades 9-12 welcome.  The class will run on Tues, Wed, and Thurs, 2:15-4:15pm, from Sept-May.  Class starts on Tues Sept 10th.  Students can see Mrs. Davis in room C257 if they have questions and to get more information.  Students can see their counselor to sign up.



It’s great to see the positive things our Steller grads are doing!

This article, from Stanford University, highlights an amazing and important program co-founded by Steller grad Cooper Galvin (PhD Stanford ’19).  Read the end of the article to see a shout out to our very own Philip (biological sciences teacher), for inspiring Cooper!

If you have news about a Steller grad, pass it along to the Flash Webmaster.


Flu Vaccine Campaign at Alaska Regional

For more information see Don’t Get the Flu Flyer

Flu Vaccine Campaign

Don’t Get the Flu. Drive on Thru! 

Roll down your window, roll up your sleeve, ~then roll on down the road~ 


Participants 9 years and older


Free flu shots & windshield / headlight washing. 


5:30 – 8 P.M. 

No appointment necessary

Tuesday, September 17

Wednesday, September 18

Tuesday, September 24

Thursday, October 3

Wednesday, October 9


Alaska Regional Hospital 

C Building parking lot 

2801 DeBarr Road 

Anchorage, AK 99508 

(in vehicles please – no walk-ups) 


• Annual vaccination is still the best way to protect yourself, your family, and people vulnerable to serious flu illness (older adults, children under 5 years, pregnant women, and people with chronic health conditions). 

• The flu vaccine may make your illness milder if you do get sick. 

• F l u vaccination can reduce the risk of more serious flu outcomes, like hospitalizations. The CDC recommends everyone get a flu shot each year. 

Quadrivalent (designed to protect against two influenza A and two influenza B viruses). 


No latex or thimerosal. 

The “high dose” flu vaccine (for people 65 and older) will be available at this event. 

It takes approximately 2 weeks to build up immunity after getting a flu shot. 

You cannot get the flu from the vaccine. 

Questions? Call Ruth: 264-1823 

• There are many flu viruses, flu vaccine protects against what researchers suggest are most common. 

ALICE Evacuation Drill Wednesday Sept 4.

Steller will be exercising an ALICE (Alert-Lockdown-Inform-Counter-Evacuate) mandatory drill at 9:45 am, Wednesday Sept. 4.  Students will be with their 2ndperiod teacher.  They will lockdown, discuss options and possible evacuation sites, and evacuate from the building but stay on campus.  Students will then return to 2ndperiod to debrief with their class.  Students will be told from the beginning that this is only an exercise, and that the practice is to be executed in a calm, safe manner.  If you have questions please call me at 742-4950 or email me at:

APD Information: Illegal Use of Handheld Devices in School Zones

This APD NIXLE might be good information to pass along to parents.
As of June 20, 2019 handheld cell phone use is illegal in active school zones and/or upon school grounds. If caught violating this new ordinance, the fine is a big one: 6 points on driver’s license and a $500 fine. Here are the pertinent points to know regarding AMC 9.28.055(E)(1): 

  • This law is in effect 6am – 9pm seven days a week, 365 days a year.
  • This law applies to all signed school zones where the speed limit is 25 mph.
  • This law applies to all school zones where there are temporary speed reductions to 20 mph or less (the school zones with the yellow flashing lights).
  • This law does NOT apply to vehicles that are stopped (ex: parked in a school parking lot) or if the mobile device is being used hands-free.
  • If a person in violation of this ordinance also causes a collision that results in injury or death, the penalty for this ordinance becomes a misdemeanor. 

Middle School Fall Sports Competitions

Dear Steller Fall Middle School Sports Families,
We are so happy to have your student back in school and participating in fall sports!  We hope you and your family have had an excellent summer.  The purpose of this communication is to notify you about an important change to the start times for Middle School Cross Country Running and Girls Basketball competitions.  

Due to a shortage of bus drivers this year, we are not able to start competitions directly following school as we have in the past.  For this Fall sports season, competitions will begin closer to 5:00 p.m.  We understand this change of time will be inconvenient for some families and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience ahead of time.  This change of start times only affects competition days; after school practice times will not change.  On competition days, participants will stay at school for supervised homework help and a short warm up prior to games to accommodate for the change in competition time.  

If this change of start time will make it impossible for your student to participate, please let your school know.  If you have paid a participation fee, this will be refunded.  Please contact your middle school if you have any questions.  

We are looking forward a positive competitive Fall sports season with your students, and we will see you on the running trail or on the basketball court very soon!
Thank you,
ASD Activities

P.S.  Any question, comments or concerns you can contact me at 742-4950,  Reed

Welcome Back, Steller Band!

Band members, I hope you had a great summer vacation.  Mine was fantastic.  The highlights are that I visited my 95 years old grandma, and that I climbed Mr. Fuji for the 5th time.

I have a great news for you already:  the enrollment is more than 30 this year, which is probably the largest ever for the history of Steller Band! I thank all of you for choosing band as your 1st hour elective.

Our first meet will be this Friday (8/23/19).  At this point, we will meet in the regular band relo. No instruments will be needed.  Just bring a pencil or pen.  It will be a Monday, 30 minute schedule. We will talk about the rules, concert dates, etc.  Send me emails if you have questions at

Great things are expected to happen this year.  I will see you this Friday.  
Mr. Toba,
Band Director

Registration – Tuesday, August 20

Please be on time.  Students may enter the building 10 minutes prior to their start time and wait in the student lounge.  Students are expected to leave after completing  registration.  

The first half hour students will meet with their advisor and the second half will be physically registering.

Registration Schedule:
8th Grade     (8:00-9:00)
7th Grade     (9:00-10:15)
12th Grade   (10:15-11:15)
11th Grade   (11:15-12:15)
10th Grade   (1:00-2:00)
9th Grade     (2:00-3:00)