Category Archives: General Announcements

Parent Group meeting – Tuesday Nov 12

Steller Parent Group Tuesday November 12, 6 -7:30 pm in Ken’s room: join us to hear updates from students and teachers, learn about upcoming events, and volunteer to help with the Steller Auction (Jan 24th!), a lunch with teachers and parents, Souper Steller, and other opportunities to support all the great student-led work at Steller. If you’re interested in volunteering for one of these events or projects but are unable to come Tuesday, email PG co-chair Ann at:

Personal Safety Lesson on November 20

Dear Parent(s),

Steller Secondary School will be teaching Semester 1 Personal Safety lesson on November 20th in a grade level  setting.   The age-appropriate lesson will be presented in a non-threatening way, along with the skills needed for self-protection. The lesson content is part of the Anchorage School District’s plan to enact the Alaska Safe Children’s Act and will be handled in a sensitive, respectful manner.

If you have any questions about the content of the program or if you wish to inquire about opting out, please contact your child’s advisor or the school office.

Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to provide learning opportunities to improve the safety and well being of our students.


J. Reed Whitmore

Steller Principal



The Alaska Safe Children’s Act (also known as Erin’s and Bree’s Law) goes into effect June 30, 2017.


AS 14.30.355 (Erin’s Law) requires that the governing body of each school district to adopt and implement a policy, establish a training program for employees and students, and provide parental notices relating to sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention for students enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve.


AS 14.30.356 (Bree’s Law) requires that the governing body of each school district shall adopt and implement a policy, establish a training program for employees and students, and provide parental notices relating to dating violence and abuse in grades seven through twelve. A training program adopted under this section must emphasize prevention and awareness.

Internship Opportunities

Good afternoon, Alaska Education Stakeholders and Agriculture and Nutrition Leaders,

Please see below the information about a very cool opportunity for high school and college students age 16 and older who have an interest in Veterinary Science; Natural Resources and Biological Sciences; Engineering and Architecture; Business, Contracting, Procurement, and Industry; General Administration and Office Support; Financial Management; and Information Technology. USDA is recruiting students for paid summer internships at USDA offices around the country.  Additional information is available at the links below.

Students need only click on to find the field in which they are interested, click on the “Apply” button beneath that field to learn more and, if they want to pursue the opportunity, click on the “Apply” button within that field to create an account at

Please feel free to forward this information to those you think may be interested.  Applications are being accepted until 11:59 p.m. (EST) on November 15, 2019 for internships this summer.

Karen McCarthy | Senior Legislative Assistant

Office of Senator Lisa Murkowski | United States Senate

Reed College – Junior Day

Junior Day Visit at Reed College

Reed has created a unique event designed for juniors. Our experienced counselors will give them the inside scoop on the admission process. As a result, students will feel equipped and encouraged to forge their own personal path through the college search process.

This event takes place on our campus on Saturday, November 23—please tell your juniors.

During Junior Visit Day, students will:

  • discover how to navigate the selective admission process;

  • learn to share their story in a college essay writing workshop;

  • get to the bottom of widely held myths about financial aid.

We look forward to welcoming your students to Reed—a college dedicated to the life of the mind.

The following link can be shared with students who are interested in registering.

Click here to register for November 23rd 


Shalini Uppu
Director of Admission