Category Archives: General Announcements

Find out what’s happening and have your say!

All parents/guardians, students and staff are automatically a part of the Steller Parent Group. The mission of SPG is to promote parent and guardian involvement in school activities, to solicit, address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policy facing the Steller Community, to support fundraising activities and to facilitate the disbursement of funds.

Even though we aren’t in school in person there is still lots of activity at Steller.  Join us Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 pm to hear reports from Reed, Staff and OpGroup. 

Steller Parent Group has been busy too and have lots to share about:

  • Approval of 2020-2021 Budget
  • The launch of the updated SPG Website
  • NEW Steller Flash subscription list
  • New Student Directory 
  • Two fundraising requests to be voted on:
    • Touchless hand sanitiser pumps ($320)
    • Student snack program for 3rd quarter ($1600)
  • Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign

Look for the Zoom link from Tami or email 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen (Chair) 

November Steller Parent Group Meeting

All parents and guardians, students, and staff are automatically part of the Steller Parent Group. 

Find out what is happening, have your say on how money is spent, and see how you can help by joining us this Tuesday.  If you would like the link to the Zoom meeting please email

November 2020 SPG Agenda

October 2020 Steller Parent Group Meeting Minutes (Meeting minutes are also archived on the website under the Parents tab). 

Warm regards,


School Picture Flyer

Hello Steller Students, Parents and Staff,

Since we are postponing in-person pictures until we return to the building, Steller school has agreed to partner with our picture companies and help them advertise opportunities for families who may want to schedule individual picture appointments so they have school photos to share with family and friends over the holidays.

We are forwarding you this flyer from Fitzgerald photography.

Have a Great Weekend!

Thank you.


Steller Yearbook Cover Contest

Good Morning Steller Students,

It’s time for the official Steller Yearbook cover contest. The contest will run from Oct. 28th – Nov. 19th at 11:59 pm. There is no particular theme this year, but students should consider maybe inspiring there art for current times. They need to be vertical and the size of a normal piece of printer paper so 8.5×11. You must incorporate Steller’s name and the academic year 2020-2021. Please send in submissions to Eli at the official school Instagram account or to Alana at Feel free to email Alana if you need more info.

Have a Great Day!
The Yearbook Committee

Q1 Art Student Showcase

This year having all students learn from home created a particular challenge for Steller Art students.  Jean made a request to the Steller Parent Group for support purchasing enough art supplies so that all students could have a kit to use at home.  SPG was pleased to offer $1165 to this project.

We are super impressed with the quality of work students did and very happy to showcase the work here! 

Students are welcome to submit their work to be highlighted here – art, poetry, short stories etc
are welcome!