Category Archives: General Announcements

Register for Classes December 9

November 19, 2020

Good Morning Steller Families and Staff,

Second semester (third quarter) registration will be Wednesday, December 9, 2020.  Students will meet with their advisor on Zoom.  Please check with your Advisor for the Zoom link.

Registration Times:

8:00 – 9:00 = 12th grade

9:00 – 10:00 = 11th grade

10:00 – 11:00 = 10th grade

11:00 -12:00 = 9th grade

1:00 – 2:00 = 8th grade

2:00 – 3:00 = 7th grade

The class descriptions and schedule are posted on the Steller website, (see links below) to find a possible schedule. You will use this data to create your schedule with your advisor.  If you started a semester-long class in the first quarter, you must choose it again in the third quarter. For example, Algebra is usually a year-long class so this year you will take it first and third quarter. 

Course Schedule: (Links to an external site.)

Course Description: (Links to an external site.)

Please contact the front office staff or your advisor with any questions.

Have a Great Day!

Steller Office

Invitation to Join Student Nutrition Committee

Steller Parent Group would like to invite parents, staff and students to join the Student Nutrition Committee.  The purpose of this group is to ensure that all Steller students have access to healthy and balanced meals – especially during this pandemic. 

Starting in October 19, all ASD students enrolled in the National School Lunch Program are eligible to pick up free breakfast and lunch through a special emergency program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Steller Secondary does not have a school lunch program and is not registered as part of the NSLP and so our students are not eligible for this program. 

We would like our Steller students to be eligible to participate in this program.  Our committee plans to explore ways to address this issue.

If you are interested in helping please join us for a planning meeting on Monday, November 23, 2020 at 12:00 to 1:00pm.  Email Kirsten at for the Zoom link.

Sincerely, Kirsten Tschofen Chair SPG

Holly Rinehart, Chair Student Nutrition Committee

Halloween Costume Contest Winners

Thank you to all who participated in the Halloween Costume contest! 

Congratulations to  our winners:

First Place: Kai R. (12) as the Invisible Man

Second Place: Eli P. (12) as the Lord of the Spiders

Third place: Naomi H. (7) as Tooth Fairy

We are still looking for Halloween costume photos for yearbook! Submit with your first and last name, grade, and costume title to to be included in the Yearbook! 

Eli Pelletier

Social Media Liaison

Individual Yearbook Photos Due December 20

Hey Steller! 

Sadly, there will be no school-run picture day before we need student portraits for the yearbook, so we are requesting students take their own from the safety of their homes. The picture above has guidelines to help you get the best picture – remember portraits need to be in portrait mode (vertical)! 

If families have photos of their middle school Steller students practicing safe social distancing with masks on, please send them in to yearbook for the Steller introduction page!

If you or your Steller student is participating in a out of school activity, such as a sport or outdoor recreating, please submit a photo of them doing that activity as well. 

All photo submissions need to be sent to and include your first and last name, grade, and advisory. Please put “Portrait” “Mask” or “Activity” in your subject line. These photos will only be used for the Yearbook and must be received by December 20 to be included. 

Thanks for reading,

Alana P. Yearbook director. 

See here for a flyer from Fitzgerald Photography.

Launch of Updated SPG Website & NEW Flash Subscription List

We are pleased to launch a new updated website by and for Steller families.  The intent of this site is to complement the District website. 

Visitors to our site will be able to find information for prospective students and what makes Steller special.

The blog feed is where you can find up to date information relevant to our community:

  • Updates on Steller Parent Group Activities
  • OpGroup Advisory information
  • Important dates to remember 
  • School announcements
  • Information relevant to the Steller community like external events and activities, or performances. 
  • We are especially happy to celebrate student accomplishments! 

Don’t miss out on this important information! Sign up the the NEW Steller Flash Subscription list and get new posts sent right to your email! 

Under the PARENTS menu you will find:

  • FAQ about Steller Parent Group
  • SPG Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes
  • Volunteer opportunities and Sign Up Genius
  • Documents for Requests for Funding

In the RIGHT SIDEBAR your will find:

  • A NEW Subscribe button to receive Steller Flash Updates right to your inbox (anything that gets posted here).  We are creating a NEW list, so please make sure you visit the site and subscribe, even if you have in the past.
  • A link to send requests to post in Steller Flash 
  • A PayPal button to donate to Steller Parent Group
  • The OpGroup Instagram feed 

Under the STUDENT SHOWCASE menu your will find:

  • Student work submitted by Steller staff and students themselves.  
  • We are looking forward to posting art, videos, music, poetry, photography, and so much more.  Please send your submission via the Flash link on the right sidebar.

NEW Steller Student Directory

On Friday November 13 we will be launching our Steller Online Student Directory at The directory will be accessible from the Steller Parent Group Website or directly from and is available to all students attending Steller Secondary. 

Adding your students to the directory is easy. Please also make sure your student has their grade and advisory included so people can search you more easily. We hope this will help students and families keep in contact with each other, especially during this time of social distancing and online learning.  

 Here is how to add yourself to the Directory:

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account using the access code CGYJAU
  3. Log in and add information for each student that attends Steller
  4. Make sure you check “include in directory” box
  5. SPG will confirm your data and approve your entry
  6. Download the ptboard app

You can update your information anytime by logging in.  Please remove yourself if you leave the school.  Students will be rolled over to the next grade in May of each year. 

*Once you enter your information it will be visible to anyone with access to the directory.  We cannot guarantee this will only be members of the school community. 

*Steller Directory is solely for the personal use of students and their families – don’t share the code! The website and directory are not to be used in order to advertise goods, services or events unless approved by SPG.  This includes generating customer mailing or email lists. 

We are so excited to be able to offer this Student Directory to Steller families and look forward to it launching next week!

Kirsten Tschofen
