Category Archives: General Announcements

Elizabeth Peratrovich Day!


Elizabeth Peratrovich, who played an instrumental role in the 1945 passage of the first anti-discrimination law in the United States. In 1941, after encountering an inn door sign that read “No Natives Allowed,” Peratrovich and her husband–both of Alaska’s Indigenous Tlingit tribe–helped plant the seed for the anti-discrimination law when they wrote a letter to Alaska’s governor and gained his support. 

Elizabeth Peratrovich—whose Tlingit name is Kaaxgal.aat, a member of the Lukaax̱.ádi clan of the Raven moiety—was born on July 4, 1911 in Petersburg, Alaska during a time of extensive segregation in the territory. She was lovingly raised by adoptive parents, living in various small Southeast Alaska communities throughout her childhood. With a passion for teaching, Peratrovich attended college in Bellingham, Washington where she also became reacquainted with her husband, Roy Peratrovich, who was a student at the same school. The couple married and moved to Klawock, Alaska where their role in local politics and Elizabeth’s knack for leadership drove her heavy involvement with the Alaska Native Sisterhood, one of the oldest civil rights groups in the world, leading to her eventual appointment as the organization’s Grand President. 

Seeking better access to lawmakers who could help effect change, the Peratrovichs moved in 1941 with their three children to the Alaskan capital of Juneau, where they were met with blatant discrimination. When attempting to buy a home in their new city, they were denied when the sellers saw they were of Alaska Native descent. Instances like these were unfortunately common for Alaska’s Indigenous peoples and further motivated Peratrovich to take action in the name of systemic change. 

Elizabeth and Roy worked with others to draft Alaska’s first anti-discrimination bill, which was introduced in 1941 and failed to pass. On February 5, 1945 following years of perseverance, a second anti-discrimination bill was brought before the Alaska Senate, and Peratrovich took to the floor to deliver an impassioned call for equal treatment for Indigenous peoples. She was met with thunderous applause throughout the gallery, and her moving testimony is widely credited as a decisive factor in the passage of the historic Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945.

In 1988 the Alaska State Legislature declared February 16 as “Elizabeth Peratrovich Day,” and in 2020 the United States Mint released a $1 gold coin inscribed with Elizabeth’s likeness in honor of her historic achievements in the fight for equality.

Thank you, Elizabeth Peratrovich, for helping to build the foundation for a more equitable future.


(Taken from Google Doodles)

Follow Steller Facebook Page and Help Promote our School

Did you know that Steller has a Facebook Page? We use this page to promote Steller to the public, and prospective students, and to share information that may be relevant to our extended community like alumni. If you are on Facebook we encourage you to:

  • Like  and Follow our Page
  • Like and comment on our posts
  • Share our Page with your friends

We share content highlighting student accomplishments, select information from ASD, and other community events.  When you interact with our page it helps the Facebook algorithm find us more easily. 

Thanks for your support! 

REMINDER: To join our Information Night on Zoom use this link  


Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday at 6:00pm

Attending Steller Parent Group meetings is a great way to hear about what is happening at school directly from Reed and teachers, ask questions, and have your say in school decisions.  It is also a good way to meet other parents – especially when we aren’t seeing each other in person.  We are a friendly group and happy to see new faces! 

Now is also the time to start thinking about next year’s committee.  Our current treasurer Brandon Brooks will be stepping down, so we will need someone to fill his shoes. If you think you might be interested, or know someone who would be, please reach out.  The more time we have to hand things off the easier it is! 

We will also need a co-chair for next year. Co-chairs are usually two years, and the positions are staggered so that one person always has some experience. If you are interested in joining me for the rest of this year, or next year I’d be happy to talk.

You can always find Meeting Minutes and Agenda’s under the Parents Tab on the Website here. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736
Passcode: STELLER
One tap mobile

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 



Yearbook Club Meets Monday’s

Also, don’t forget to purchase your yearbook. They won’t be around much longer!!
Reminder for the following deadlines:
All students – February 10th
  • Home study area photos
  • Student art
  • Passages

Email to and include your first and last name, grade, and a description of your photo.

For Seniors – February 20

  • Senior pages
  • Baby and 7th grade photos for the “guess that senior and glow up page”


Steller Information Night!

Dear Steller Families,

As you know, Steller is a unique and special school where students thrive as they are inspired to become  independent, confident, self-directed learners. 

We would like to ask your help to spread the word about what a great school this is, and to encourage students to apply for the 2021-2022 school year via the ASD lottery system before the deadline on March 18.

Due to Covid restrictions we won’t be able to use our traditional ways of promoting Steller – the Ice Cream Social and school visits by our students. 

We are excited to offer a fun and informational night via Zoom, led by students and staff.  Interested students and their parents/guardians can join us at 6:00pm on Wednesday, February 17 OR Thursday, February 18. 

They can also learn more about the school by visiting the main ASD website and the Steller Parent Group website.

Please share the Steller Secondary Flyer widely! 

Warm regards,

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group


Link to join Zoom Meeting

Time: Feb 17, 2021 06:00 PM Alaska

    Feb 18, 2021 06:00 PM

Dial by your location

     877 853 5247 US Toll-free

     888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 943 4933 0810

Find your local number:

Steller Parent Group Meeting February 9

All parents/guardians, students and staff are automatically part of the Steller Parent Group and welcome to attend meetings, share ideas and vote on decisions.  This month in addition to regular updates from Reed, staff, and OpGroup we will be discussing a Social Club for grade 7 students, the plan for student recruitment for 2021-22 school year, and a proposal for gifts for Senior students. We are still accepting funding requests as well. 

You can find the Agenda and previous Meeting Minutes on under the “Parents” tab of the website, here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kirsten Tschofen 

Chair, Steller Parent Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 9149 6736

Passcode: STELLER

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)


Yearbook Deadlines

All students – February 10th

  • home study area photos
  • student art

 Email to and include your first and last name, grade, and a description of your photo. 

For SENIORS – February 20th

We at yearbook understand making senior pages are difficult, so we have extended the deadlines for:

  • Senior pages
  • Baby and 7th grade photos for the guess that senior and the glow up page.

Remember this is the last day since the yearbook needs to be submitted 9 days later so it is crucial we have everything either before the 20th or on the 20th.

Avoid disappointment and order Yearbook now!

Secondly, if you haven’t purchased one already yearbooks won’t be for sale much longer. We at yearbook recommend purchasing earlier rather then later. We have sold about 68% of our goal.