Category Archives: General Announcements

November 12th SPG Meeting

Please consider attending the next Steller Parent Group meeting.  It’s a great way to become involved with your student’s school at whatever level you can fit it into your busy schedule.

SPG also invites you to join us at Matanuska Brewing Co. for a no-host gathering after the meeting around 7:30-8pm. We’d love a chance to get to know each other better, meet new friends, and have some fun.

So…attend in person, meet us after, or just attend on Zoom at 6pm: 

See you there!

REMINDER – Nov. 2 – shop at Barnes&Noble and earn money for Steller!

Steller will be hosting a book fair at Barnes and Noble on November 2nd

Any purchases made that day will earn $ for Steller…

  • Shop in store on 11/2 and mention Steller at checkout

  • Shop online on 11/2 using our code 1287244

Please pass this on to extended family, friends, anyone who needs a book!

Thank you!

SPG’s Cups for Kids Fundraiser is HERE!

Hello Steller Families and Students!

On October 8th, 9th, & 10th, students will bring coffee, cocoa, and a QR code for donations to your car during drop off and pick up.

This annual fundraiser supports programs that directly benefit students and staff.

How to Donate: 

* Via QR Code above

* Directly on the SPG website 

* Cash or checks (made out to Steller Parent Group) 

If each family donates $120/student, we’ll reach this year’s goal of $16,000.

Haven’t volunteered yet?…please sign up to help make this event happen…and ask your student(s) to volunteer with you! 

Warm regards,

Steller Parent Group

P.S. Please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

Questions? Please contact Monica or Charity at 

Volunteers needed & 50th Anniversary Swag

Hello Steller Families,

A few openings are still available to volunteer at the Cups for Kids Fundraiser starting this Tuesday.



Please consider chaperoning the Homecoming Dance on Thursday, October 17, 2024.  Only with parent involvement can this dance take place, so thank you for volunteering!

Please sign up here for one (or both) of the two shifts 

1) 6-9pm, including help with set-up
2) 9-11pm, including help with take-down


Please email if you’re able to chaperone this fun, student event.


Steller’s 50th Anniversary T-Shirts and Hoodies are still available.  Click HERE to purchase.  Proceeds go to SPG.


See you all at Cups for Kids 2024!

SPG’s Cups for Kids Fundraiser is coming soon!

Hello Steller Families and Students!

On October 8th, 9th, & 10th, students will bring coffee, cocoa, and a QR code for donations to your car during drop off and pick up.

This annual fundraiser supports programs that directly benefit students and staff.


Volunteers are needed to make this event happen! There are still many spots that need to be filled! Please consider signing up … and ask your student(s) to volunteer with you!

How to Donate: 

* Via QR Code above

* Directly on the SPG website 

* Cash or checks (made out to Steller Parent Group) 

If each family donates $120/student, we’ll reach this year’s goal of $16,000.

Warm regards,

Steller Parent Group

P.S. Please make sure you are extra careful as you drive through the drop off/pick up line and help keep our students safe. 

Questions? Please contact Monica or Charity at