Category Archives: General Announcements

Welcome to Steller Library!

The Steller library is a busy place these days, did you know all the things the library can help your student with? Library doors are open daily from 9-1:30. I invite you to send your students into the library for anything and everything:

  • Research projects 
  • Source citation
  • Editing Help
  • Book selection
  • Reading inspiration
  • College admission books 

 I.T help

  • Checking in and out Chromebook Devices, day-use and long term
  • Printing
  • Checkout of headphones, cameras, tripods, recording devices
  • Quiet space for kids who need to work without distraction
  • Web connection issues

Entire classes are always welcome to come down for a tour or visit, or to play library-themed competitions/games.

 ACT/ SAT prep website site navigation


  • Wednesdays- Battle of the Books practice in Ashley’s room
  • Friday- Trivia at Noon, win prizes and bragging rights

Special Events:

  • January 23rd at noon in student lounge- Jon Ebron the teen services librarian at Loussac will be handing out public library cards and chatting with students about all the activities and resources that the Loussac library has to offer.
  • February 8th 8:30- 2pm- Battle of the Books Competition at West High

I’m also able to borrow books we don’t have in our library, including class sets of books you’d like to use. Maybe we have it hidden in the bookroom, I’ll look for you. Just ask!

Here to help,

Bonnie DeArmoun
Steller Secondary- Library Assistant

SPG’s fundraiser, Cups for Kids, was a great success!

Cups for Kids has raised $14,192.93! 

We are at 47% of our annual goal!

If you haven’t had a chance to donate, there’s still time! Click DONATE on the right.

If donating isn’t in your family’s budget this year, here are other ways to support Steller…

  • Join the Fundraising Committee.  Be part of the team that plans and executes SPG fundraisers so we can support our Steller students. 
  • Come to Steller Parent Group’s monthly meetings.  As Maria says “ It’s crucial that your voice is heard as we make decisions for the future of Steller.” Agendas include:
    • budgeting – vote on how to spend the donated funds
    • approving funding requests
    • planning events
    • reports from the Principle, Staff, and OP Group
    • getting to know the inner workings at Steller, as well as each other
      • Every second Tuesday of the month, 6-7:30pm
      • The next meeting is December 13th (via Zoom)
      • This year will be a mix of in-person and Zoom meetings 
  • Join the Finance Committee.  Review funding requests and make recommendations.
  • Join the SPG Board.
    • No previous experience with Steller or other school boards necessary
    • Always open positions, like Member at Large and Co-officers
  • Volunteer for fun events, like:
    • Organize the Spring or Fall teacher appreciation luncheon
    • Help at All Community Meetings
    • Chaperone dances
    • Provide website help
    • Or let us know your specialty and we’ll match you to a volunteer job 
  • Sign up for Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer, and Office Depot awards. For easy instructions, click here and scroll to the bottom.

For more info or to help in any of these ways, email

Cups for Kids Fundraiser – Day 1 Donation Totals and More!

Thank you, Steller community, for making the first day of Cups for Kids a huge success! With $2,050 in matching donations from the SPG fantastic fundraising committee, we have now raised 27% of our $30,000 goal for the 2022-2023 school year! 

Remember, the coffee and cocoa is on us. If we are able to average $120 per student in donations, we can meet our goal!

Watch the progress we have made toward our fundraising goal of $30,000 by monitoring our fundraising thermometer on the Steller Parent Group website or in the hallway at Steller!

If you didn’t yet have a chance to donate, Cups for Kids will continue on November 15 and 16 during drop off and pick up, and we will continue accepting donations through December 1. Read on for more details!



Cups for Kids Fundraiser

Steller Parent Group aims to contribute to exciting student programs and events, like Intensives, Travel Intensives, SouperSteller, grants, and more.  Help us make that a reality by donating and volunteering.


In order to make our goal, we would need $120 per student…and we would not need additional fundraisers! Please donate the amount that makes sense for your family, and consider donating more if you can. Click here to have your donation over and done!


Parent volunteers are needed to make this fundraiser a success.  Help make coffee and collect donations. Click here to sign up.

Thank you, Steller Community!

More info:

  1. Orientation for lead volunteers, Fri 11/11 at 8:30am
  2. Next Fundraising Committee meeting: Monday, 11/28, 6-7pm via Zoom

Join the Steller Parent Group!

Open Positions for SPG. Co-treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising Committee, Member at Large

Thank you to Dee Dee Zobian who has moved from her position as Secretary to be a Co-Chair with Amy Dummann! 

This now leaves a vacant position for Secretary! It’s an easy way to join with main time commitment being taking notes during SPG meetings, and attending leadership meetings. Experience with Google Drive is an asset, but we can teach you too!

Thank you to Lea McKenna who has stepped up to lead the Fundraising Committee. She has been joined by XXX to plan our main fundraiser this year – Cups for Kids. 

Steller Parent Group is excited to launch our Cups for Kids Fundraiser!

Click here to have your donation over and done! 🙂

Parent volunteers are needed to make this fundraiser a success.  Help make coffee, collect donations, and much more.  Click here to VOLUNTEER.

More info:

SPG is hoping to meet our fundraising goal for 2022-2023 of $30,000.  (Currently our draft budget has expenses of $17,000.)

In order to allocate more funding to intensives, additional student programs, and to make travel intensives accessible for all families, regardless of ability to pay, SPG needs more than $17,000 to increase our budget.  Help us make these exciting programs a reality!

Thank you, Steller Community, for your continued support of our amazing students!

P.S. don’t forget that many companies match donations.  Does yours?

Steller Parent Group Meeting Tuesday, Oct 11

The Three Pillars of the school are by default all members of SPG – Students, Staff, Parents & Guardians, and active participation in the running of the school is at the heart of the Steller Philosophy. 

Join us for the second Steller Parent Group meeting of the year, and find out what’s happening at school, share your ideas, and get to know fellow parents & guardians and staff. 

We meet the second Tuesday of the month (in person and via Zoom for now), and you can find the agenda by the Sunday before the meeting . This month we will be tabling the budget for the 2022/2023 school year. Our budget is quite limited until we can do some fundraising, so it’s important that all members of our community participate in the discussions so that we can prioritize our spending.  A group of parents met this week to discuss some fundraising options and will have more to share at the meeting. 

Thank you to all the students and adults that have already signed up to volunteer for specific positions, or to be general helpers.  Many hands make light work, and helps develop a sense of community.  We will have an updated list of ways to get involved soon. For more information about how you can get involved see here .