Call for Ideas — All Community Meeting

GET INVOLVED at the All Community Meeting — CALL FOR IDEAS (seeking survey responses)

Steller is one of the few schools in the district (and nation) to have a regularly scheduled time when all members of the school (parents, students & staff) work with one another to design and ensure the best learning opportunities for every student. It is a very rare occasion, and reinforces the belief at Steller that everyone has a role in securing a supportive learning environment for students. This opportunity is called an All Community Meeting and is coming up on Thursday, November 12, 2015. With your help an agenda will be designed focused on making Steller an even better school than it already is for students. The title of this year’s All Community Meeting has been identified as: Taking Action to Strengthen our School and Expand the Learning Opportunities for Students.

This CALL FOR IDEAS is being sent to request your input on ways we can strengthen our school and expand the learning opportunities for students. Do you have an idea that fits this description you’d like to present or offer the Steller Community? If so, please CLICK HERE to fill out the quick online survey seeking your ideas. The deadline for submitting ideas for consideration is Monday, October 26, 2015. Since the schedule is already tight there will not be an extension of this time awarded for any reason. Please know that this is not the ONLY opportunity to present ideas for consideration; staff and parents always welcome your thoughts but for the All Community Meeting the 10/26/15 deadline is final.

We may not accept every idea for deliberation at the All Community Meeting. The ideas proposed will be considered by a subcommittee of the Advisory Board and if your idea is not chosen for discussion at the All Community Meeting someone will call or email you to discuss an alternate plan for implementation, provided you give us your contact information in the SURVEY.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your ideas before submitting them please contact Karen Gillis ( or 907-887-1148).