Author Archives: Steller Parent Group
Steller Band Sends Seven Students to the Aurora Music Festival Honor Band
The audition results from the Honor Band for the Aurora Music Festival were announced last Friday. Seven students from the Steller band program have been accepted. The students are Jessie Hardison on flute; Julia Johnson on flute, Liam Lauderdale on clarinet; Sebastien Libbrecht, trumpet; Tatiana Rogers on flute; Erica Stryker on trumpet; and Kohlby Vierthaler on trombone. “I am very proud of these students who took extra time preparing for the auditions,” said Mr. Toba, the band director. “I am especially thrilled of the fact that Sebastien and Erica are 1st and 2nd chair, respectively. Half of the flute section are Steller students. Jessie even got the 2nd chair. Kohlby earned the 2nd chair, too.” The Aurora Music Festival will be from Thursday, April 12 through Saturday, 14th, at Grace Christian School in Anchorage. The final concert will be Saturday, the 14th. Public is invited.
Congratulations Sebastien!
Steller band student, Sebastien Libbrecht, entered the ASD District Solo/Ensemble Festival on February 24 at UAA. He plays the trumpet and his selection was Movement One from Sonata for Trumpet and Piano by Paul Hindemith. He earned the superior rating, thus he will advance to the ASAA State Solo/Ensemble Festival in spring. “Sebastien practices regularly and wisely,” said Mr. Toba, the band director. “He is a mentor for our younger band students as well. We are very lucky to have Sebastien in band.” The state solo/ensemble festival will be Friday and Saturday, May 11-12, at UAA.
Contra and Cajun Dance Friday
Steller’s Community Contra and Cajun Dance is happening this Friday, March 2nd from 7-9pm. Bring your dancing shoes and a friend. All parents, students, siblings, and neighbors are welcome. If you’ve never tried square or contra dance, this is your chance to try it out in a fun and supportive atmosphere. We’ll have great live music and an expert caller. The dance is free with donations accepted. Direct any questions to Ashley: or 742-4950. See you on Friday!
2018 Spring Intensives
The 2018 Spring Intensive registration is coming up soon. Please check out the wonderful classes being offered this spring HERE.
If you have any questions regarding the classes, please see the intensive teacher for answers.
AYC Law and Leadership Program 2018
College Night Thursday, March 1
See Flyer HERE
Thursday March 1, 6pm, Ken’s Room
Preparing for college
College searching and matching
College admission process
College entrance tests
The Common Application
Financial aid