Author Archives: Steller Parent Group

CORRECTION: Graduation is Monday May 21st – Last Week of School Info

Please be planning for the last week of school. Monday, May 21st, is a half day. Students will need to be out of the building by 11:30am. This means they need to be picked up or walking to an alternate site by 11:30am. The building will be closed. Students will have class time and advisory time on this day. Students will also be cleaning out their lockers.

Monday, May 21st

7:00-8:30am Senior Breakfast, Seniors and their families are invited.

8:30-10:00am Advisory time

10:00-11:00am Grade Groups

11:00-11:30am Locker clean out

11:30am Students need to be picked up or walking to an alternate site by 11:30am

3:00pm Class of 2018 Graduation at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium, everyone is invited and encouraged to come and support the graduating Class of 2018.

Tuesday, May 22

Student-led conferences, students are only in the building with their parent/guardian for their scheduled conference time.

Wednesday, May 23rd

Student-led conferences, students are only in the building with their parent/guardian for their scheduled conference time.

End of Year Conferences

End of the year conferences will take place on Tuesday, May 22nd and Wednesday, May 23rd. These are student led conferences that include the student, parent/guardian(s), and the advisor. The focus for end of the year conferences will be to review this year, set goals for next year, review credit count sheets and progress towards graduation, and address any concerns that students and/or parents might have.

1. Go to

2. Choose Steller as the school

3. Choose 7th grade! (In order to work the system, all conferences are scheduled as 7th graders.)

4. For Team Name, choose your student’s ADVISOR

5. Choose the date you wish to come in
6. Choose your time and continue through the process.

You can sign up to receive a reminder email. If you need to cancel your appointment time, you will have to email your advisor. Thank you and see you soon!

Steller Parent Group Meeting Minutes

The Steller Parent Group held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:00 PM. The meeting minutes have been prepared and posted. Click here to download the draft minutes.
Upcoming Events:
Spring Intensives on May 7-18.
School’s Out Dance on May 18 at 7:00 pm.
Graduation on May 21 at 3:00 pm.
Student Led Conferences on May 22-23.
Last Day of School on May 23.
Back-to-School BBQ and Parent Orientation on August 15 at TBD.
Parent Group Meeting on September 11 at 6:00 pm.
Notice posted by: Angie Southwould, Parent Group Secretary

Spring Intensives Start Monday

Spring intensives start Monday, May 7th. Please note that missing one day is equivalent to missing one week of school and is detrimental to their grade. Students receive a quarter credit for their intensive, and this is a big part of being in the Steller program.

All fees need to be turned in by today, May 4th. They are paid in the office, by cash or check payable to Steller. fees are:

* Paper Mache $25

* Ultimate Frisbee $5

* Get Active $50

* Wilderness First Aid $115

* Driver’s Ed $625

* Fencing $250

* Blender Animation $5

* Street Art $75

* Spring Mountain $20

2018/19 Online Registration

Is your child returning to the Anchorage School District next year? If so, it is time to register them for the 2018/19 school year. The online registration window is open from April 30-June 29 and July 9-Aug. 24.

To register, login to Q ParentConnection:

If you need assistance with your Parent Connect login and password or have any questions or concerns, please contact the Steller Secondary School office @ 742-4950 from 0730am – 1600pm Monday – Friday.

Chaperones needed for “School is Out for Summer” Dance!

Parent chaperones needed! The “School is Out For Summer” Dance Committee would be greatly appreciative if ten parents could chaperone the upcoming May 18th dance. Currently six parent chaperones would be needed for a 7-9 shift and four parents would be needed for a 9-11 shift. If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact Leigh Anne at or have your student contact Logan Davis or Bonnie Woods.