Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Community Gardening Opportunity

waterthegardenSteller has a community gardening opportunity for you. Up to four Steller families are invited to plant and maintain a garden with plants of your choice for your use in the raised beds at Steller over the summer. Please let Jonas, Becky or Leigh Anne know if your family is interested. Families can take turns with watering responsibilities during the summer. There will also be a campground host at Steller with a gardening plot.

martianIn April students will be preparing the garden in an after-school club sponsored by Jonas, Leigh Anne and Becky on Wednesdays with Michelle from Yarducopia. During three days of our May Martian intensive Simone and Becky will have experts to guide us in gardening. Gardening will pay off in so many ways—outdoor activities, community involvement, and food or flowers.

We’re excited to work with you! Jonas, Becky, Leigh Anne, and Simone

KCC Spring Hiring Event April 6, 2016

KCC will be hosting a hiring event April 6th with over 75 employers attending. See time slots HERE for Steller students to attend. All students must have a resume and cover letter ready to present to an interviewer. All students must dress professionally. If students are not prepared for the hiring event, they will not be allowed to participate. Transportation is not provided. Please let Reed know if you plan on attending.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact James Bell, Assistant Principal at King Career Center,  742-8951, or Sean Schubert at 742-8947.

HARVEY–a FREE play at Bartlett Theatre

HARVEY POSTER WITH PRICES  Bartlett Theatre Group is happy to present Mary Chase’s Pulitzer-Prize winning play Harvey. Perhaps you remember watching this hilarious Jimmy Stewart movie, in which he plays the part of Elwood Dowd, a good-natured, mild-mannered eccentric who is known in all of the taverns in his small town. Elwood is polite and cheerful and always friendly toward any strangers he might encounter, and he has just one problematic character trait: his best friend is an invisible six-foot-tall rabbit, Harvey. His sister and her daughter try to have Elwood committed to the local sanitarium, where the behavior of the prominent psychologist and his staff raise the age-old question of who is more dangerous to society: the easy-going dreamer with a vivid imagination or the people who want him to conform to the accepted version of reality. Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 5.17.29 AM

The free showing of Harvey will be Friday, April 8th at 11:30 am. The play is 90 min. Students should eat lunch prior to arrival. There will be evening performances on April 7th-9th at 7:00 pm, which will be open to the entire community. Admission is $10 for adults and $8 for students.

Please respond to Janel Walton at if you wish to reserve seats.

Summer Library Camp

Spring is in the air and summer is right around the corner! Lake Hood PTA is offering their Summer Library Camp again! We will be doing literacy activities, art projects, sports and more! Please see the  summer library 2016 flyer to sign up for this awesome camp! Last year we filled up so sign up early!


Trudy McMullen
Lake Hood Elementary

Seniors Apply for a Brand New Car!

Kendall Auto is giving away, to one of our graduating students, a New Toyota Corolla and ten $1,000 scholarships to to other graduating seniors.

The application is HERE.  Free Car Application

A counselor, or front office staff or administrator will need to verify that the student:

 1.    has a 3.0 GPA or higher. Use end of 1st semester 15-16 cumulative GPA.

 2.    must meet district attendance policy. A student meets this criteria if currently attending your school and has not been dropped for nonattendance.

 3.  is on track to graduate in May 2016.

There is a place on the application for a counselor’s signature. Once signed by counselor, or front office staff or administrator, you will have given verification of all 3 criteria above.

Keep smiling.

Mike Henry

Souper Steller this week–help needed please!

souper stellerhelp pleaseSouper Steller is ON this week and we really would love help from a couple parents for the following times:

3/24 2-4pm (Thursday after school)
3/25 9-12:45 Friday day time-please come ANY hour, no experience necessary:)

Jean’s advisory will be choosing menu and helping out.

Please email if you can make it or have questions.

Thanks Much!!

Parent Meeting for Travel Intensive to the Dominican Republic

Please join Ashley and Ken for an informative meeting about a Service Learning trip to the Dominican Republic in May 2017. Any interested students and parents are welcome, whether or not students have attended previous meetings. Learn about this wonderful opportunity and ask questions. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 29th at 6pm in Ashley’s room.  If you or your child cannot attend this meeting but you are interested in the trip, please contact Ashley.