Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Technology in the Wilderness Science Camp-Apply by April 18!

imageHow do we determine the exact height of Denali? How can we find a wolf in a 6 million acres park? How do we measure changes in glaciers? How can we find a lost person? Denali National Park and Preserve has stayed mostly unchanged since its creation 100 years ago, yet the way that scientists study the park has improved greatly with technological advances. If you are intrigued by science and technology and want to meet people who use it in their careers, this program is for you. Technology in the Wilderness science camp introduces you to the fun and challenges of surveying and field science. Science camp teams will help the National Park Service and the National Geodetic Survey by collecting GPS data that will improve science mapping in Alaska. This is an experience that any science enthusiast and outdoor enthusiast must not miss.

Technology in the Wilderness is a four-day course for high school students entering 10th-12th grade. It is a partnership program between the National Park Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Alaska Geographic. Based at Riley Creek Campground, the group will take daily trips into the park to hike and learn from park scientists. Meet new friends, explore the wild and learn about new technologies. No prior experience is necessary. If you are ready to learn, eager for an adventure and have a positive attitude, you should apply for this summer experience! Apply by April 18 to be considered!

Link to flyer:  HERE

If you have questions, please contact

Parkour and Ninja Summer Bootcamps

Pacific Rim Athletics launches into its second Summer Season, as it introduces Aerial Circus Arts to Alaska and continues its training in parkour, tumbling, calisthenics, and breakdancing! Folks of all ages, levels, and abilities are invited to come train with us and unlock a whole new world of fitness. People will benefit greatly from these forms of exercise, whatever a person’s level of fitness is, as will athletes of all disciplines who will gain even greater body awareness, control, and functional strength through safe progressions of training geared toward each person’s individual level. See Flyer HERE. You can check us out online for an action-packed week of fun training in a friendly and supportive environment. Email for more information! Please Contact 907-717-5193 if you have any questions.

* The Anchorage School District does not endorse these materials or the viewpoints expressed in them.

Proposal to Amend the Steller Community Bylaws

parent bylaw announcementDear Steller Community, a proposal is on the table to amend the Steller Community Bylaws (attached HERE). These changes are being proposed for your consideration. With just over a week to consider the attached changes, we will present these amended Bylaws for a VOTE at the upcoming All Community Meeting on April 21st; the meeting will start at 6:30 pm.

An overview of the concept for the proposed changes is as follows:


Steller’s governance has grown up with five parts. Students have Op Group. Parents have Parent Group. Teachers have Staff Meetings. The principal has final responsibility to the School District. And Ad Board is supposed to coordinate the other four groups.

Ad Board is designed to be a kind of representative body, like Congress. But unless members attend the other meetings, that process doesn’t work. In actual practice, Ad Board usually doesn’t have much to do. The vast majority of decisions are made by the other groups without going to Ad Board. However, we spend a lot of volunteer time on having Ad Board, and that wastes time that could be spent on more productive and fun parts of Steller. In addition, evening meetings of Ad Board are difficult for students to attend and often have inconsistent representation.


This concept is to change Steller bylaws to get rid of Ad Board. Instead of Ad Board, we would develop new bylaws along the following principles:

1. Students should make as many decisions as possible without interference. This is part of the philosophy of our school.

2. As we do now, decisions appropriate to each group would go to that group.

3. When a decision affects more than one group or the entire school, we should work together to work on those issues by the following means:

a. For small issues, the three groups (students, parents and staff) form a committee to work through the issue by consensus and bring back their results to the three groups;

b. For large issues, Steller holds more frequent all-community meetings to reach decisions, running them like town hall meetings in which everyone present gets to speak and vote.

Another change to the bylaws was recently proposed and is represented in the attached DRAFT. This change is forwarded in order to strengthen the Op Group by widening the membership requirements.

These items are SEPARATE in nature and will be voted on separately.

In addition to the changes to the Bylaws the All Community Meeting will be a chance to celebrate the great number of accomplishments achieved during the 2015-2016 school year. Please plan on attending. If you have any questions please contact Karen Gillis (907-887-1148 or

All Community Meeting April 21

1_community_meeting_Featured1,jpgThe final All Community Meeting of the year is being held on April 21, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 pm.

Please join us to honor a great number of students this year, get a glimpse of Passage & Independent Study projects, review and vote to amend the Steller Secondary Bylaws, the proposed amended version will be released for review on Monday, April 11th, discuss Essential Questions and consider potential changes for next year. If you are a student or parent of a student who volunteered at Northstar Elementary this year or last year you will be receiving special recognition PLEASE plan on attending. We’re looking forward to celebrating all that Steller Secondary offers and represents at this meeting!

If you have any questions or need further information please contact Karen Gillis (907-887-1148 or