Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Prom Gone Wrong: Murder Mystery

Where else can you attend prom for $20 a person which includes a lasagna dinner and photos?  At the King Career Center Friday April 29th from 6-9PM.  So dress up or dress down, murder is in town.  Come test your CSI skills.  ASD students only 9-12 grades.  Tickets available through Teena Calkin at<> or call 742-8900 between 7:30 & 3 PM. Or message Mrs. Calkin through Instagram at kcc_publicsafety.  Tickets are limited so get yours soon.

May Dates to Keep in Mind

Monday 5/16 Steller Olympics

Tuesday 5/17 End of Year Conferences (students are only at school with their parents/guardians for their scheduled conference time and then leave)

Wednesday 5/18 Activities are done at 11:00am and students need to be picked up/leave the building by 11:30am Graduation is at 3:00 at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium and everyone is invited!

Thursday 5/19 End of Year Conferences (students are only at school with their parents/guardians for their scheduled conference time and then leave)

Steller Olympics; Monday, May 16

imgresHello Steller Students and Parents!  This is the schedule for Monday May 16th during our Steller Olympics!  Please look at the schedule to see what your advisory is responsible to contribute to our all school lunch/picnic!

Monday: Steller Olympics

8:30-9:00-Advisory group

9:00-9:30-MPR-Opening ceremony

9:30-11:00 Events

11:00-11:30 Lunch

Sandwiches for three-Philip, Bob, Mike, Leigh Anne, Jason, Becky, Gerald

Chips-Troy, Svetlana, Rosa

Fruit for five-Ashley/Danielle, Jean, Ken, Marla



1:30-2:05-Locker Clean Out

All Community Meeting Thursday April 21

1_community_meeting_Featured1,jpgThe final All Community Meeting of the year is being held on Thursday April 21, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 pm.

*****PLEASE BRING FINGER FOOD to share at the ACM*****

(veggies, crackers, fruit, wings, cheese, pinwheels or any other kind of fun easily edible foods).

We will be honoring a great number of students this year, getting a glimpse of Passage & Independent Study projects, reviewing and discussing amendments to the Steller Secondary Bylaws (the proposed amended version was released through the Flash for review on Tuesday, April 12th) discussing Essential Questions and considering potential changes for next year.

If you are a student or parent of a student who volunteered at Northstar Elementary this year or last year you will be receiving special recognition PLEASE plan on attending.

We’re looking forward to celebrating all that Steller Secondary offers and represents at this meeting!

If you have any questions or need further information please contact Karen Gillis (907-887-1148 or

Bike to School Day is May 4

BikeStudents and staff will be riding their bikes to celebrate Bike to School Day

on Wednesday, May 4. See info at

Students must wear a helmet to participate and should wear bright clothing. The Municipality of Anchorage Safe Routes web page has maps that can help families plan for this event at

For more information, contact ASD’s Bike to School Day Coordinator Lindsay Jones at<>.

Prom reminders

The Secret GardenSteller Spring Prom, The Secret Garden, is this Saturday (4/16) at the Hillstop Chalet. We are in need of chaperones for both the 8:00pm – 10:00pm and the 10:00pm -midnight shifts. Please call the office if you are able to to help out.

For students who are planning to bring guests from other schools, just a reminder that sign ups are through 4:00pm Thursday afternoon. Tickets are being sold every day at lunch and at the door for $20 for a single and $30 per couple.

Questions, please contact the office at 742-4950.