Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Does Technology Make us Better?

ipodExploration of the Essential Question begins: This is our first year using schoolwide essential questions, and everyone is invited to consider this semester’s question: “Does technology make us better?” Students will explore this question in advisory group and in classes throughout the semester, examining the question from different perspectives. Our goals are to encourage critical thinking on a similar topic throughout our community and to spark collaborative conversations among students, parents, and staff.

September Dates to Remember!

snoopy fallMark your calendars! Below are September dates to remember for Steller students and parents.

  • Friday, September 2nd-Last day to sign up for PSAT (for Juniors and some sophomores)-$15 in the office

  • Monday, September 5th-Labor Day-No school

  • Wednesday, September 7th-Back to School Night at 6:00PM

  • Wednesday, September 14th-Picture day

  • Friday, September 16th-First Quarter mid-quarter

  • Saturday, September 24th-LPF test out (see Troy beforehand)

  • Friday, September 30th-Steller/Polaris Homecoming

Back to School Night

back to school nightParents: You are invited to Steller’s Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 8th from 6:00PM to 7:15PM. This is your chance to meet your son/daughter’s teachers by following your student’s schedule during a mini school day.

Hope to see you all there. Students are welcome to attend, but are not required to.

Call for Library Volunteers Please

imageSteller Library wants to thank the parent volunteers who have committed to being here at lunch to keep the library available to students! And, we still have days available to volunteer—and stay connected to the school if you are considering ways to help out. If the commitment of every week is a bit much, doing it 2x/ month or so is another possibility…we can make it work with your schedule.

Please email Jennifer Hall Jones if interested!


Women of Distinction program at Smith College

Smith College will host their annual Women of Distinction program on October 14-16, 2016.
Women of Distinction is a program for high school seniors that highlights the opportunities at Smith for African American, Latina, Asian American, and Native American students. Admission is competitive. Smith will provide round-trip transportation, meals and accommodations for all participants.
To learn more about Women of Distinction and apply to the program go to

Smith WOD postcard