Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

TPC needs music for the playlist

Row, row, row your boat… I hope every body likes that song because right now, it is the only one on the play list for the dance! (Okay, we have others but totally need more)

Go NOW to the the following link

Click on the “request music” tab and fill out the request form. Seriously….NOW Thank you!


Schoolwide Tech Challenge

Everyone in the Steller community (students, staff, and parents) is invited to participate. Some time between October 28th and November 6th find a 24 hour period during which you pledge to give up all digital devices and media: no Internet, no cell phone, no TV, no iPods, no video games, etc.

If you lapse by mistake (i.e. you answer a phone call without realizing it), don’t give up. Note the mistake and go on to finish your 24 hours.

If you do NOT make it the full 24 hours, be honest. How long did you make it? What happened?

Although you may need to use your computer for homework or work, try to pick a time when you can go without using it. Jot down your thoughts about the experience. We’ll share our results/experiences in advisory group and possibly in discussions at the All Community Meeting.

*Adapted from Professor Susan Moeller’s experiment described in The Teenage Brain by Frances E. Jensen.

Looking for practitioner of yoga, meditation or mindfulness to share their skills

inner peace dogWe are teaching an intensive on the pursuit of happiness and will be looking at how being mindful and staying in the present moment can affect mood. We would love to have an experienced practitioner of yoga, meditation, or mindfulness lead our class for a short session on any of these practices. If you or someone you know have these skills and would be willing to volunteer for a session the week of December 12th, please contact Ashley.<>

The Common Application – Advice from Marianne

Students who have yet to invite the counselor (Marianne) and a teacher recommender: Please complete the FERPA agreement and send an invitation as soon as possible to ensure that we have time to complete letters of recommendations and academic information. All students using the Common App have to invite Marianne as a counselor to provide colleges with school and academic information and get their transcript uploaded. Transcripts are uploaded three times a year as required by the colleges, fall, mid-year, and at the end of the school year. I am available to read essays before you finalize them. I recommend that you have one of the English teachers read the essay before you give it to me. Teachers and counselors often look for different things in the college essays. Print the application and proof read it before you hit the submit button. This is very important, as it is easier to detect errors when you read it on print. Also, sometimes part of the essay is cut off, which is an important error to catch. Make sure you spell the recommenders’ name and email addresses correctly. Check correct spelling on the ASD Steller website. I recommend that you verify that I received an invitation. If you want me to look over your application, please come to the computer lab or my office on Wednesdays after school.

PSAT Wednesday October 19

Meet in the MPR at 8:15

We would like to have all students seated by 8:30 so we can start the test on time.

Bring on test day:

Number 2 pencil w/eraser
Approved calculator (see student guide, College Board website, or Marianne)
Picture ID
Social Security number (optional)
Email address (optional but recommended

Phones need to be shut off and stay underneath the table

Water bottles/snack stay underneath the table

No hats please

Assigned seats

Total testing time including administration is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes

Two 5-minute breaks to stretch

The 15-dollar fee has to be paid before students can take the test