Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Iceland Intensive

Do you want to travel to Iceland? Do you want to see natural features that you may have only seen on TV or in the movies? Would you like to meet people and learn about their culture that stems back to the days of the vikings? Then travel to Iceland with Jason and Leigh Anne this coming May. Spots are filling up fast and you don’t want to be left out of this great opportunity. There will be an informational meeting for students on Wednesday at noon in Jason’s room. Come get your questions answered.


Rosa’s Advisory First Day Food and Fun!

As we know school starts on Monday and we will be spending part of our day in advisory! I am excited to hear about all of the adventures students embarked on last summer and we will also be introducing new to Steller students and spending some time setting goals for the up coming school year. As everything is better with food and games, I would like to encourage students to bring their favorite breakfast dish and one of their favorite games that they are willing to share or teach the class. I will be bringing quiche and UNO. If the weather is good we will make eclipse viewers and watch the eclipse! I will be handing out schedules for the rest of the week at that time. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing everyone! Saludos, Rosa Hohnstein

Host an International Exchange Student

AFS is currently searching for homes for international exchange students. Steller is a wonderful environment and loves the culture that these students can add to the school. If you are interested in hosting a student for the 2017-2018 school year, please contact AFS.

For more information on being a host parent to an international student, please see the attached flyer HERE. There are five students who are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to experience Alaska and the American culture.

Sophomore Overnight Trip to South Rolly Lake

Attention sophomores! We will be leaving for an overnight orientation field trip to South Rolly Lake Campground this coming Monday at noon. Be sure to bring a warm sleeping bag and pad. We have already chosen tent groups, but we may make adjustments before we leave on Monday or when we arrive at the campground. The weather forecast is calling for a chance of showers on Monday and Tuesday, with lows in the 40’s. For those of you who did not make it to the meeting last night, we have attached copies of the  Permission Slip and the  Medication Request (aid needed) for Out-of-District Travel. Everyone must turn in a completed and signed Permission Slip and Medication Request (aid needed) on Monday morning or they will not be able to go on the trip. Each student must also turn in $10 with the permission slip to pay for food and the cost of campsites. Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather (it could rain), wear footwear appropriate for hiking, bring a water bottle and a small daypack. Please bring appropriate toiletries and anything else you need as personal items. Leave the candy and other food at home.

All sophomores are expected to participate. If for some reason you cannot participate, you need to make arrangements to have your parents pick you up at 11:45 on Monday and bring you to school by 12:40 on Tuesday.

If you have questions please call Ken at 727-0730 or 742-4950.

For 8th Grade Parents and Students

Hello Eighth Grade Parents and Students! You should have received a robo-call that gave you the basic information needed for the two hikes the Eighth Grade Class are going to have on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. This is the written version of that with the permission slips mentioned in the robo-call. 

We are leaving by bus on Monday at noon to hike Winner Creek in Girdwood. The plan is to be back at Steller to be picked up by 5pm.  Permission slip: Winner Creek Permission Slip

In the morning on Tuesday, we will leave a little after school starts, again by bus, to hike the sand dunes of Kincaid Park. We will be back around 12:30 – just in time for the Advisory Group activities of the afternoon.  Permission slip:  Kincaid Sand Dunes Permission Slip

Here is the list of supplies students are encouraged to bring for both hikes: $10; bag lunch; water; change of socks; bear bells; rain gear; warm hat; thin gloves; hiking boots or athletic shoes; trail snacks; back pack; and enthusiasm. If there are any questions, you can email Bob at or Rosa at If there are a couple of parents who would be interested in chaperoning for either or both hikes, please let us know at those email addresses as well. Thank you, and we look forward to having a great start to the school year.

For 9th Grade Parents and Students

Tuesday, August 22nd, 9th graders are hopefully headed to Kincaid to spend the morning together as part of Steller’s orientation. In order for this to happen we need a few things from you:

1. A completed Permission Slip needs to be turned in.  Please fill it out and return on Monday.

2. Drivers to get us there and back. Drivers need to pick students up from Steller at 8:30 am (leaving at 8:45 am) to drive us to Kincaid. Drivers are also needed at Kincaid at 12:00 noon to drive students back to Steller.

3) Students need to show up on Tuesday on time, with a rain coat, outdoor appropriate and warm clothes/shoes, and a sack lunch.

Please email Leigh Anne ( if you are able to drive one or both ways. Indicate which direction you can drive and how many students you can carry. If not enough drivers are found by Monday, the trip will be cancelled and an alternative activity will be planned.

Steller Students Did Well in the District Solo/Ensemble Festival

Three students from Steller entered the District Solo/Ensemble Festival at U.A.A last Saturday. They are Bella L. on flute, Sebastien L. on trumpet, and Julia J. on flute. They all played solo pieces in front of a judge. Bella and Sebastien’s solo performances were rated superior; Julia received excellent rating. “Steller has students who are musically inclined”, said Mr. Toba, the band director. “I am proud of the students for their effort and commitment to excel in music performance.” Bella and Sebastien will advance to the state solo/ensemble competition in May.