Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

PSAT and other news from the counselor


The PSAT/NMSQT is Wednesday October 11 @ 8:30 AM in the MPR.

Please see HERE for test day information and HERE for list of approved calculators.

We are asking that students arrive at 8:15 AM if possible so they can be seated by 8:30 AM.


College Admission Counselor Visits

We encourage parents to stop by as well as students:

10/13 – during lunch

  • Colgate College

  • University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)

10/17 – during lunch

  • Lewis & Clark College

10/19 – @ 2:15 in Ken’s Room

  • Whitman College



  • Marianne will have an information meeting about the college admissions process during lunch Thursday this week (9/28). Room TBA. Bring questions.

  • A College Night and/or Financial Aid Night is tentatively on the schedule for mid-October.

  • The FAFSA opens up October 1st.

  • Permission Slips for College Fair due October 2nd so we can verify the number of buses needed for the field trip.

  • Permission slips are available in the front office.


Marianne’s Office Hours

Monday 8:00 – 1:00

Tuesday 11:00 – 3:30

Wednesday 8:00 – 1:00

Thursday 8:00 – 1:00

Friday 8:00 – 11:00

AFS Thanks Steller Families!

The AFS Alaska Chapter wishes to thank the families of Steller Secondary School for opening their hearts and homes to welcome 5 foreign exchange students. Some of our students are in their permanent homes for the school year, but others are placed in “Welcome” homes, those families who mobilized at the last minute so that we could bring these students to our great state of Alaska and into the Steller school community.

We are looking for Host Families!

We are looking for a few more families to step forward and open their homes for our students still seeking a permanent placement.

If you are interested in hosting a young person starting the 2nd or 3rd school quarter, please contact Julie Albert, AFS Team Development Specialist at or call 907-290-0650.


Back to School Night TONIGHT

Back to school night is on Thursday, September 21st from 6-7:30pm.

The schedule will be as follows:

6:00 – 6:15 – Parents meet in Advisories, schedules are handed out

6:15 – 6:23 – P.1 (2 minute passing)

6:25 – 6:33 – P.2 (2 minute passing)

6:35 – 6:43 – P.3 (2 minute passing)

6:45 – 6:53 – P.4 (2 minute passing)

6:55 – 7:03 – P.5 (2 minute passing)

7:05 – 7:13 – P.6 (2 minute passing)

7:15 – 7:25 – IS classes and missed classes

7:30 – 8:00 – possibly Parent group meeting

All Pro Dads is coming to Steller!

Team up with other Steller Dads and kids at school on September 29th at 7:30 a.m. for a quick, fun breakfast. You’ll take away some great tips and resources to help you be the best dad you can be as well as strengthening your relationship with your kids at the same time. Interested? Have questions? Stop by and see us at our booth tonight at Back to School night. More information can also be found at<>.

Attention all freshmen, sophomores and juniors:

King Career Center’s After School Exploratory classes begin next Monday, September 18. Classes run from 3 to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Come try out 8 different KCC courses for one week at a time. Bus transportation is provided from schools and back to your neighborhoods. No cost and a .5 elective credit is available. Space is limited, so see your counselor today or come directly to KCC to sign up.


Anchorage School District

Congratulations Griffin, Ry, and Sarah!

Three Steller band students have been accepted to the 2017 Junior Youth Symphony Band and Orchestra (JYSBO). The students are Ry Allright, Griffin Lindsay, and Sarah Dout-Kelly. Griffin on French horn and Sarah on flute are to play the JSYBO Band; Ry plays the alto saxophone for the Steller Band but he will play the violin in the JYSBO Orchestra. They went through competitive auditions. “I am delighted that these students have made even further commitment to the music performance”, said Mr. Toba, the Steller band director. “I know the JYSBO will be beneficial to the students’ growth in music.” The JYSBO will have a first concert on December 6 at Bartlett High School.

School Counselor News

Welcome back, students and parents, to a new school year! I am excited to start a new year and to work with parents and staff to make it a successful experience for students. A key to success is communication and I encourage students to communicate with their teachers or stop by at my office when they need support.

  • We have five foreign exchange students at Steller this year. They are from Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Japan, and China. Exchange students bring different perspectives into our classroom discussions and we appreciate their presence in our community.

  • This is a busy year for seniors and I have briefly talked with our senior class about the college application process. We are bringing juniors and seniors to the college fair at UAA in October and hope that talking with college admissions counselors will get students excited about future opportunities.

  • I met with the juniors during orientation and we talked about the importance of the junior year. The UA Scholars are selected from the top 10% of juniors at each high school in Alaska and college admission is often based on the junior year transcript and current (senior) schedule.

  • ASD data indicates that Steller may improve when it comes to junior and senior attendance. Attendance is an important part of academic success, and many of our classes are based on active engagement. Students and parents should also know that attendance is included on the official transcript and it may affect the college admissions process.

  • My position at Steller is still part time. I am always open to meet with students and parents. A phone call or email ahead of time is suggested to make sure I am available.

  • Nature is a great remedy for body, mind and spirit. I encourage Steller families to get outside and enjoy the fall colors and the fresh air. Invite friends from school and laugh and have fun.