Author Archives: Judy Francis-Woods

Countdown to Graduation!!

The following seniors were not at the first “Countdown to Graduation” meeting last Tuesday. They also did not come to Marla later in the week to receive important information about end of high school activities. If you are, or you have, a senior with the following initials, See Marla on Monday and plan to be at the next meeting–Tuesday March 27th!!! AF, DH, AK, EK, TM, AM, AM, AO,IO, NS, IT

Mumps Outbreak in Alaska

Hello Steller Community, Please review the attached Mumps Fact Sheet for more information HERE and See Poster Here.

PSA: There’s a mumps outbreak in Alaska; watch for symptoms Alaska has mumps! An outbreak of mumps is happening in our state. You and your family might be at risk. Be sure your vaccinations are up to date – and know that you may need a third dose of MMR. Keep watch for symptoms like cheek swelling, fever, sore throat, even testicular swelling. Mumps can pose serious health risks so contact a health care provider if you experience symptoms.

Best Regards, Nurse Annette

Steller BYODevice Committee

Steller BYOD-evice Committee met today to start the process of creating a more healthy digital community at Steller. First meeting: “Brainstorm the Problem” (see the list below).  Having confirmed there is a problem, the team decided to meet weekly to work on a solution. Parents, students and faculty are all welcome! (PLEASE COME!) Next meeting we will break into small committees to start addressing the issues that have been identified.

Meeting in Marla’s room Wednesday, 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm

The issues (pro & cons)

  • Need them for school
  • Selfies in class are BAD
  • How are we going to go about creating the policy
  • “a lot of NOT learning is going on.”
  • Class and school time is being used to make non-school plans
  • Devices are distracting more than supportive of education
  • Try a phone-free day
  • A problem out of school too-driving and cell phone
  • Cellphone responsibility is part of success as an adult-in life
  • Should the policy be teacher discretion rather than person responsibility
  • Sleep loss!!!
  • Responsible freedom – should we even have a policy?
  • Students could engage in “correcting” students on phone in class etc.
  • Part of the solution will be to create a framework for a solution
  • Use only outside of class when texting and gaming
  • Responsible freedom cant be the whole policy
  • The rule doesn’t need to change-the way we view the rule does
  • “coffin” option is good *Maybe leave class to use phone
  • Meeting went great because none of us are on our devices
  • We have to have something to base our norms on FOR responsible freedom
  • Gaming on ASD wifi is STEALING *RF is NOT working!!
  • Teachers also need some clarity for every classroom
  • Phone and text messages from home can go through the office

Proposal: Meet next Wednesday; Categorize list & Small Committee Agreed

Spanish Exchange Program- Meeting March 29 6pm

Steller Secondary is excited to have created the Steller Secondary/Chuquiragua Comunidad Educativa Spanish Exchange Program that will begin in the following year! In this program twelve students will be selected to travel to Quito, Ecuador and experience living in another for third quarter in an immersion Spanish setting.


Quito is considered one of the most beautiful cities in South America and has the distinction of being the first area in the world to be designated as UNESCO world heritage site. Quito is located in the Andes, and sitting at 9,350 feet the temperature varies between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit year round. There are over 26 indigenous communities that are represented in the surrounding regions of Ecuador, including descendants from the Incan Empire, and Ecuador boasts one of the most biodiverse areas of the world for flora and fauna. Quito is truly one of the most incredible cities in South America!


During third quarter in the 2018-2019 school year, our students will travel to Quito to start their exchange. They will spend the days attending school, taking part in cultural activities relevant to our setting, exploring topics relevant to personal interest, working with elementary school students, and spending time with our host families. While students are on their exchange they will have daily time set aside to focus on homework from Steller Secondary so that they don’t fall behind in their classes. When students from Chuquiragua (our host school) come to Anchorage they will take part in similar activities, in Alaska during the month of May and will stay with your family.


If you are a parent interested in learning more, there will be a meeting held Thursday, March 29th at 6:00pm in Relo #1 If you have any questions, or cannot attend, and are interested in learning more, please contact Rosa Hohnstein I look forward to sharing this opportunity with everyone! 

Graduation is so very soon!!!!

Graduation presentations are due on or before April 27th * May show a video or slide show, give a speech, say nothing, do an interpretive dance, or stand and stare at the audience with a balloon on your head but, your MAXIMUM amount of time is THREE MINUTES! * Taped presentations (visual or audio) must be formatted in PowerPoint. If you need help, ask. The sooner the better. If you wait too long we may be too busy to help. Next Senior Meeting is Tuesday March 27th in Marla’s room at lunch.