Author Archives: david wike

Steller Auction Tickets on Sale Now


Tickets on sale now.

Please consider purchasing a ticket to donate to Steller Staff! If you can’t attend, but would still like to donate, you will be able to do so on the webpage.

Donation deadline is January 17

  • It’s time to get your donation items gathered. Drop off your items at the Steller Auction Table inside the office door before Friday, January 17 at 2:00 pm. Complete an Auction Donation Form and keep a copy for your tax receipt.

  • If you or your student would like to donate a Service Item such as snow removal, babysitting, etc. please fill out a Donation Certificate as well as an Auction Donation Form. The Certificate will be used at the event to display your donation.

  • Please support your student’s Advisory Basket by donating a small item related to the chosen theme. 

Tamara Johannes Auction Committee (Procurement) 907-350-7737
Kari Hall Auction Committee (Communications) 907-223-3220

Volunteers Needed

Many hands make for light work. We need people to help with the following things:

  • Picking up donated items from locations around Anchorage. Assembling items into baskets. 

  • Driving items from Steller to 49th State. Set up help at 49th State. 

  • Check-in and check-out using our auction software. Live auction spotters. 

  • Other miscellaneous jobs as needed. 

Kirsten Tschofen Auction Committee (Logistics)   
Questions? please email



King Tech 3rd session classes in the spring


Great News! King Tech High School is offering a 3rd session. Starting on Monday,
January 13, King Tech will be offering a number of Career and Technical Education
courses after school at King Tech. The 3rd session will run for 8 weeks, Monday
through Friday, from 3-5pm. Bus transportation will be provided. The courses are
worth a .5 elective credit and a letter grade for completing the course. Please see your
counselor (MARIANNE) to register and please visit our website for more details.

Students enroll in one class and the following classes are offered:
ï‚· Health Occupations Essentials
ï‚· Intro to Aviation Technology
ï‚· Intro to Aviation Maintenance
ï‚· Intro to Carpentry
ï‚· Intro to Welding
ï‚· Intro to Construction Electricity
ï‚· Intro to Small Engines
ï‚· Culinary and Hospitality Foundations
ï‚· Rural Criminal Justice
ï‚· Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT)
ï‚· Computer Technology: Keyboarding and Word Basics
ï‚· Horticulture
ï‚· Film, Audio, and Video Production

Steller Parent Group Tuesday, Dec 10th, 6:00-7:30

Find out how you can help support the Steller community and keep up-to-date on upcoming events and news from staff and students. All are invited to join Steller Parent Group Tuesday, December 10th, 6:00-7:30 in Ken’s room. This month’s agenda includes updates and upcoming events to be aware of from staff and students, volunteer opportunities to help support students and the Steller community, and planning for the January 24th Steller Auction and gathering at 49th State Brewery. Volunteers are needed for spring semester to coordinate Souper Steller, help with the auction, and help coordinate Parent Group as Co-Chair. If you’re unable to join us Tuesday but are interested in volunteering, please contact Ann Mayo-Kiely:

Volunteers!  Steller Auction

We need your help to make the Steller Auction on January 24 a fabulous success.
If you are interested in volunteering during the day for set up, or at the event, please join me for a 15 minute meeting after the regular Parent Group Meeting on Tuesday, December 10.
We will need help with things like transporting Auction Items from school to 49th State Brewing Company during the day, set up, and helping out with check out at the end of the night. 
If you can’t make the meeting please email me at
Kirsten Tschofen
Steller Auction Committee