Author Archives: david wike

Funding cuts

Parents and Students,
The Steller staff is being reduced.
Due to educational funding cutbacks, ASD has reorganized the amount of teachers in a building based on teacher-to-student ratios.
Our state legislators are working in Juneau and are considering CUTTING even more of the educational budget.
We hear different positions in the news. From my understanding, the current cuts are most definitely going to affect what we can offer our students (including Intensives).  These cuts will affect your child’s education.

What does this mean to Steller?

With the original funding cuts, and an increase in our projected enrollment, we currently are losing 1.4 teachers. This equates to two teachers!
In addition to the loss of the individuals who are a part of our close-knit community, we are currently trying to schedule next year with eight less classes per semester and 2-4 less Intensives per semester offered.
There are many different outlets to voice your reactions to the above news. Please have you opinions heard. We need your support.
Thank you,

Zoo: Bear Aware – May 14

Bear Aware at the Alaska Zoo
Sunday, May 14th, 2017; Noon to 4pm
Are YOU Bear Aware?  Brush up on bear safety information while enjoying a fun event focused on safely living and recreating in bear country.  Observe bear-resistant trash container tests and enjoy bear-related activities.  The event is from noon to 4pm and is made possible by the Anchorage Bear Committee and Partner Groups: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Alaska Zoo, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Botanical Garden, Visit Anchorage, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Geological Services.  It’s Mother’s Day, moms get into the zoo for FREE!


Zoo: Migratory Bird Day – May 21

International Migratory Bird Day 2017: Helping Birds Along the Way
Sunday, May 21st, 2017; 11am to 5pm
Celebrate the importance of stopover sites and bird habitats when you migrate to the Alaska Zoo for this annual event of all things bird! Event planning partners and attending organizations will help you discover the fun in bird conservation through awesome bird activities, games, crafts, winning Jr. Duck Stamp art and more! Get up close and personal with Bird TLC’s avian ambassadors, visit the Zoo education birds, and learn how you can help birds along the way!


Salmon Run Waivers – April 24th

Salmon Run!!!!!  Steller Secondary has put together a team that will be running together in the 5k Salmon Run this year!  The Salmon Run is a fundraiser put together by Inlet View Elementary where students of all ages are invited to walk/run.  It takes place on May 6th, but the waiver forms are due to Rosa this Monday, April 24th at the latest!!!  For more information please contact Rosa at

Volunteers for Senior breakfast – April 28th

Senior Breakfast is coming!!!  Senior breakfast is being hosted by a committee this year and we are looking for both students and parent volunteers that would be interested in helping with the logistics of this day.  Senior breakfast is on April 28th.  If you or your student would be interested in cooking, serving, or helping with clean up please contact Rosa at  Seniors and their parents will not be permitted to volunteer 🙂

AYC Law & Leadership Summer Program

The 2017 Anchorage Youth Court Law & Leadership Summer Program is open to youth residing within the Municipality of Anchorage AND entering 9th grade in fall 2017.  Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.  There is a limit of 40 students.

Registration Fee: $600
Registration Begins: Monday, April 10
Registration Deadline: Thursday, June 22

Program Dates:
Monday – Friday, July 10 – August 4, 2017
9 am – 4 pm

Please contact Marianne for registration packets and more information. Need-based fee waivers available.

Updated Summer Program Poster.pdf

No Fiesta Friday this Friday

No parent or students signed up to help with Fiesta Friday – so it is canceled for this week.
Sorry folks, I am sure if I had time to call many people, we could come up with a crew to make this happen but I posted instead I only had time to post in the Flash and on the white board.  Because there was no response, we have to cancel.  If someone else wants to take on the role of help recruitment, I am happy to help execute the prep/lunches later this year, with some commitment of volunteers.
NEXT YEAR – We had to cancel our meeting about Souper Steller for next year because it was a snow day.  If ANYONE wants to help take on leadership for next year, please call me at 884-2299 to discuss or email and I will be happy to pass on some ideas.  I wish I could take it on again but I am afraid six years is all I can do because I am going to need to put in more time working – Thanks Much!