Author Archives: david wike

Skip the lines, register online!

Register your child(ren) online through Zangle Parent Connection ( for the 2017-18 school year. 

Online registration is open:

  • May 1-26
  • July 24-Aug. 21

All students attending the Anchorage School District are required to register each year.  Should you have registration questions or need login information, please contact the Steller Office at 742-4950

ASD to Participate in Free Lunch Programs During Summer

The Anchorage School District is participating in the Summer Food Service Program sponsored by the USDA. Meal program costs are supported by federal funding. The program provides meals to all children free of charge. The program is open to all children age 18 and younger. Meals will be provided weekdays on a first-come, first-served basis. All meals must be eaten at the location. 

Summer Lunch Program Locations
Location Date Days Breakfast Lunch
Bartlett High School May 30-June 23 Monday-Friday 7:30-8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Begich Middle School July 31-August 4 Monday-Thursday 9-10 a.m.  11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
East High School May 30-June 23

June 26-30

July 10-August 4

Monday-Friday 7:30-8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Wendler Middle School June 5-22

July 10-27

Monday-Thursday N/A Noon-1 p.m.
Cuddy Park May 30-July 28 Monday-Friday N/A Noon-2 p.m.
Mt. View Park  May 30-July 28 Monday-Friday N/A 12:45-2 p.m.
Russian Jack Springs North

(Polar Bear Park)

May 30-July 28 Monday-Friday  N/A  11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

There is no service on July 4.

For more information, contact ASD Student Nutrition at 348-5147 or visit


Education is Alaska’s Business Rally … Sat., 11-noon

What if you only have one hour this year to contribute to advocating for our schools to not lose resources (TEACHERS, ETC) ? 
Your chance is this Saturday May 20th 11am – 12pm at Cuddy Family Park by the Libraryplease bring others! It will be a FUN, entertaining and ACTION-packed event!  Hope to see all of Steller students, families and teachers and staff there! This is community engagement at it’s BEST!!
If you are a Facebooker, the link to event page is:

Summer Exchange to Taiwan

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Iris Tullar and I am currently a Junior at Steller Secondary in Anchorage, Alaska. I have lived in Alaska my enitire life and although I love it whole-heartedly, I have always wanted to see more of the world. I have recently been accepted as an exchange student in the ASSE summer exchange program to Taiwan. I am really excited about this amazing opportunity and have already put 1,500 of my own money towards the trip. I have also approached my school, which has pledged another 1,500. In appreciation of my school’s support, I am going to be teaching an Intro to Chinese Language and Culture class next year at Steller.  Now I need your help to raise the remaining $3000 due by the end of this month! If 300 people give $10 each, I can go!

Possible reduction in force to ASD staff

Steller Community,

I have heard from many of you about your concern with our fiscal position in Alaska Education and how it is affecting Steller.  I am worried about the impact from an increase in state budget cuts and feel the result will include teacher lay-offs, less course offerings, thus a decrease in student opportunities.

Dr. Deena Bishop, Superintendent, has shared information about a possible reduction in force to ASD staff, as a 5% cut for which the State Senate is proposing would result in a $24 million deficit. This deficit would be on top of the $15 million ASD reduction addressed when the 2017-18 budget was approved by the Anchorage School Board in February. The district’s budget was built on the Governor and State House’s proposal of flat funding, which in these times the ASD administration considered acceptable, although troubling. If a further reduction does occur, programs may be affected — languages, gifted, Special Education, sports, district programs, personnel support, special schools, courses, etc. All aspects of ASD programs and schools will be reviewed for reductions if state funding is reduced. If you are interested in sharing your opinion on the fiscal issues affecting public education, contact information for legislative committee members is listed below.

Senate Conference Committee Members:
·         Senator Lyman Hoffman –
·         Senator Anna MacKinnon  –
·         Senator Donny Olson –
House Conference Committee Members:
·         Representative Paul Seaton –
·         Representative Neal Foster –
.         Representative Lance Pruitt  –

Thank you for your time and concern,

Iceland Intensive – May 2018

There are still lots of spots left on the Iceland Intensive for May 2018. If you are interested, please let Jason know. Registration is still open. You can work this summer to raise money for this great opportunity. Plan now, don’t be left behind.