Author Archives: david wike

Cook Inlet Belugas Count – September 9, 2017

On September 9th, the National Marine Fisheries Service along with its partners is hosting the first Belugas Count! event.  It is a FREE event geared toward ALL ages. The idea behind the event is to bring citizens together to promote local pride, awareness and stewardship of the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale. In the morning from 9 am – 12 pm, observation stations with knowledgeable volunteers will be set up along Knik and Turnagain Arms for the public to stop by, ask questions, and help look for and count beluga whales. Then from 12 pm – 5 pm, the Beluga Festival will be held at the Alaska Zoo and includes presentations, family activities, etc. .

senior trip to Seward

Hello seniors and parents of seniors. Jason and Marla are busy planning the details for the senior trip to Seward. Part of that planning requires paying vendors and companies for activities that are planned. Completing the payment through Zangle has been set up and you can start making payments now. the tentative breakdown of costs is below. Thanks for taking care of this as soon as possible, so we can get our activities finalized. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Activity costs:
Train ~$100
Sealife center $20
Wildlife cruise ~$100
Accommodations ~$20
*Other activities ~$50
Food ~$10
Total $300                                

(paid through Zangle or call Haley in the office 742-4950 if you have questions)

Galapagos/Amazon Intensive

Hello everyone and happy summer!  For those of you that are going on the Galapagos/Amazon International intensive this Winter the office has informed me that you can make payments online through parent connect!  It is now one of your drop down options like art or sports.  We have our own button!  Hopefully that makes payments easier for everyone!  If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at, otherwise enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall!  – Rosa

Steller Community

Another year is at a close, we are gearing up for summer. I already miss the banter and energy of the Steller hallway.  Graduation was wonderful; many of our graduates spoke, showing slides, with interests and passion (many indicators of having taken took advantage of their education).  I was proud to be a part of their last moments and parting thoughts; they are a fine bunch!   I look forward to hearing of their successes in the future.

End of the Year Conference are complete. I hope you all were able to attend. For those of you that are moving on to different places and programs I hope you are able to take parts of Steller with you.  For those that are returning, think about what you would like to accomplish in a Passage and for your goals for the future.  To you all, have a wonderful summer and hit the fall with academic eagerness.
Funding continues to be the biggest news/worry in Steller’s future.  We have an amazing program with internal and external reviews; we listen and are working to improve in many ways.  Please send your educational funding opinions to our legislators.  We have taken a teacher position cut but more will create chaos and question Steller’s future.  We are important and we need to be heard!

Steller continues to be a strong, exciting, self-determining program.  There are opportunities not found in other schools; it is a pleasure to watch students excel and grow within projects, topic and courses of choice.  I am a lucky educator to be a member of such an inspiring program.

Thank you for your continued support.

Reed Whitmore

P.S.  Save the Date : Wednesday, August 16   Steller Community Barbecue  6-8 pm  In the Steller Field.

Support Public Schools

Steller Families,
Thanks to the many who were able to make it on Saturday to support Public Schools!  Special thanks to the Steller students and parents who helped with  the planning and executing!  If you missed it, here is a one-minute video to very quickly bring you up to speed!

Education is Alaska’s Business Rally 

Also, Steller parent and writer Charles Wohlforth wrote this heart-felt sad article in the paper today that refers to teachers at Steller:

If you would like to weigh in with state leaders, this week would be a GREAT week to do that.  We are now in the first week of “Special Session”. Here is the information you need to have to reach out: Contact info.pdf

Feel free to call with any questions.
Thanks very much,
Alyse 884-2299