Author Archives: david wike

Call for library volunteers

Opportunity to help out awaits….

Our small school relies on parents to help out on a daily basis.  Every day (except for Intensives) we try to keep the library open for students to return or check out a book, do work, use the computers or eat lunch at the round tables. Please consider volunteering your time during the Steller Lunch period, from 11:40 until 12:40, or 11:30 to 12:30 or so.

If you are able to help out, please email: or call/text 229-O499.  Thank you-many hands make light work! 

It is going to be a great year!
Jennifer Hall Jones, Library Assistant


Cook Inlet Belugas Count – September 9, 2017

On September 9th, the National Marine Fisheries Service along with its partners is hosting the first Belugas Count! event.  It is a FREE event geared toward ALL ages. The idea behind the event is to bring citizens together to promote local pride, awareness and stewardship of the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale. In the morning from 9 am – 12 pm, observation stations with knowledgeable volunteers will be set up along Knik and Turnagain Arms for the public to stop by, ask questions, and help look for and count beluga whales. Then from 12 pm – 5 pm, the Beluga Festival will be held at the Alaska Zoo and includes presentations, family activities, etc. .

Picture Day – Yearbooks – Parking permits

Picture Day is next Friday, September 1st.
If you would like to order pictures, please pick up an order form in the office.

Yearbooks are currently $55. The price goes up after October 21st.
If you would like to order a yearbook, please pick up an order form in the office.

Parking permits are $55 a semester, $110 for the year.
If you would like to purchase one, please pick up a form in the office. Forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian (even if 18).

Discover Reed Fly-in Program

Reed invites a highly qualified group of high school seniors from around the US to campus from October 8-10, 2017 for a three-day, two-night exploration of Reed and the City of Portland. Students stay in residence halls with current students and participate in Discover Reed, a program of classroom visits and student-professor engagement opportunities. Reed also arranges trips to explore highlights of Portland. All travel is arranged and paid for by the college (including flights to and from Portland). Applications are due on September 5, 2017.

Get Involved with Anchorage Youth Court

Anchorage Youth Court Fall Class Registration
AYC classes begin the week of September 18 and continue for 7 weeks. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about the law, Anchorage Youth Court’s juvenile diversion program, and how they can help the community.

Anchorage Youth Court flyer.pdf

Anchorage Youth Court’s Open House on Thursday, September 7, from 6 – 7:30 pm at the Boney Courthouse is a great place for your students to learn about AYC.  The evening includes registration for fall classes, a mock hearing at 6:30 pm and tours of our defendant meeting space. For more information, please call AYC at 274-5986.

About Anchorage Youth Court
Anchorage Youth Court is a juvenile justice system that empowers students to serve as defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges in cases involving their peers.  It gives students accountability, education, and the opportunity to have a positive influence on others’ lives while providing the community with an effective and comprehensive alternative justice system.

Nurse’s News

Hello and welcome to a new school year at Steller Secondary. The nurse’s office is working to keep students’ medical history and shot records up to date to stay in compliance with the State of Alaska’s requirements and provide safe care to students.

Please update your student’s medical health history records yearly and as necessary. By updating their medical history your child can continue to receive the best nursing care.

If you have completed any medical forms during online registration, please print and bring them in to the nurse’s office, as I do not have access to print these completed online forms.

Immunizations Due – Some students will need an immunization booster shot prior to starting school and during the school year. The immunization must be administered and documentation provided to the nurse prior to attending classes. The State of Alaska has a strict “NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL” policy…. [read more – Nurse’s News-Aug2017.pdf]

Welcome to a new school year!

We have had a great start with advisories and grade specific class activities.  Many seniors are in Seward; there was an overnighter outside of Willow, and field trips to Girdwood and around town. Seventh graders and new students are getting their feet wet in our philosophy and practice.  Looking around, I see smiling faces, friends, old and new, getting back into the swing of the academic atmosphere. There is energy in the air! An amazing start to a great year ahead.

Students are working on their schedules with advisors as I write.  Tomorrow is registration and the following day we jump right into classes.  This is the time to look at your student’s schedule. Questions should be emailed to your advisor with an option of cc’ing Marianne (school counselor).  I’d like to remind parents and students to use Zangle as a way to know progress; again, please communicate with teachers immediately if issues arise.

We have a two-year plan (a teacher passage) to educate and activate Steller as a systemic self-directed program.  We currently have a requirement of three Passages for graduation, and have many opportunities for self-direction in teacher facilitated, peer-taught classes and in those that are self-designed.  The staff consensus believe that we need better scaffolding in earlier grades for wide ranging and over-the-top success. This year, the plan started with staff review of the philosophy to reach common understanding, and will continue with lesson sharing and peer observations/discussions. The staff will share with parents and students and in conjunction will devise and define paths for students to builds skills and increases experiences towards greater self-direction with more student choice (of study).

I hope all are happy with their choice to join Steller.  If you have questions, please give me a call.
907 742-4950