Author Archives: david wike

Congratulations, Griffin and Xavier!

Steller Band students, Griffin Lindsay and Xavier Libbrecht have been selected to participate for the 2019 ASAA All-State Band.  The membership for the All-State Band signifies the highest honor for high school band students in Alaska. Griffin is a sophomore French hornist, and Xavier is a sophomore bassoonist.  They were rated so high in the very competitive auditions that the students have attained chairs for the wind sections for the All-State Orchestra, too.  “I can not be more proud of Griffin and Xavier”, said Mr. Toba. “They regularly and wisely practice their instruments, and the effort the boys have put paid the big dividend.  I know they will have a great time participating in the All-State Band.  I am so glad to have the boys in band at Steller.  They are among the quiet leaders.”  The All-State Band, Choir, and Orchestra will rehearse on Thursday, November 21st through Saturday, the 23rd at East High School.  The All-State Gala Concert will be at West High School, starting at 6 p.m. in the Saturday evening.  Admission is 10 dollars for adults, 5 dollars for students.  Public is invited.

Interested in Alaska high school E-sports?

The deadline to join the Steller E-sports team for the fall has been extended until October 18. If you are interested, come see Jason on Thursday to find out how to register. We have two spots open for alternates on the team, but if we get 5 more people, we can form another team. There is a $193 fee but you still have time to fill out a fee waiver, if needed. You must maintain a 2.0 GPA to be eligible to compete. We meet from 2:30-4 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at West high school, and we meet from 4pm-5pm on Tuesdays for official matches. Come see Jason Thursday, if you want more info.

Current Intensive Descriptions starting December 9

Need Halloween dance chaperones – Thursday Oct 24

Hey Steller parents, yearbook needs parent chaperones for the Steller Halloween dance. The dance will fall on the night of the 24th of October (this is a half day) and will run from 7-11 pm. Chaperones will need to show up at 6:45 pm due to the fact that we can’t let kids in till all chaperones are here. We have no parent chaperones at this time. Please sign up! You can sign up by contacting Alana at: text or call (907)229-8694 or  mail

the following shifts are open
6:45-9 pm     
9-11 pm

Thank you from Yearbook secretary, Alana Rose. 

Need Parents to Host Grade Level Socials

Dear Steller Families,
The Steller Parent Group is looking for parents to host a grade level parent social in their homes (or coordinate one at some other location). The hope is to help build community by getting to know each other, and the idea is very simple: the host chooses a date and time, puts out an invitation to grade level parents, and everyone who comes brings something to share.

We have hosts for grades 7 & 9, and are looking for the following:
Grade 8
Grade 10
Grade 11 & 12 

If you are interested in hosting, or would like to learn more please contact me at
Kirsten Tschofen (Ezra grade 7, Eli grade 11)

PSAT Test Day Info – Wednesday October 16


We would like to have all students seated by 8:30 so we can start the test on time. Please report to the MPR at 8:15.

Bring on test day:
Number 2 pencil w/eraser
Approved calculator:
Social Security number (optional)
Email address (optional but recommended)
Water bottles/snack stay underneath the table
No hats and no big jackets


  • Leave your phone somewhere outside the testing room
  • You are not allowed to use any digital devices during bathroom breaks or other breaks

Assigned seats

Total testing time including administration is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes
Two 5-minute breaks to stretch