Author Archives: Kirsten Tschofen

Steller Auction Committee Needs You!

Steller Parent Group is very excited to be planning our first major fundraising event since January of 2020!

We have been operating on funds raised at that event since then, and our account is in need of replenishing! The tentative plan is to host an evening event with drinks and appetizers, and featuring a silent and live auction of items donated from Anchorage businesses and the Steller community.  

We need a strong group of dedicated members of our community to help with the following:

  • Co-chair or chair (we have one person willing to lead who would like a co-chair)
  • Treasurer
  • Graphics and Communication
  • Donation Procurement 
  • Auction Software Expert
  • Basket Creation 
  • Decorations 
  • Volunteer Coordinator 

If you have experience in any of these, or want to learn, we would love to hear from you! Planning an event like this is lots of hard work, but is also lots of fun, and so rewarding. Email Kirsten at .

Funds raised from the Auction are used by SPG to pay for the following:

  • Grants (Intensives, Travel Intensives, Program Support, Student and Staff requests)
  • School hosted events (like Aurora music festival and sophomore breakfast)
  • SPG hosted events (like Steller BBQ and All Community Meetings)
  • SPG operational costs (insurance, website domain etc)

Submitted by Kirsten (Communications)

Back to School Night and All Community Meeting

On behalf of Steller Parent Group and Steller Staff we would like to invite all members of the Steller Community (Students, Parents & Guardians, Staff) to join our first All Community Meeting and Back to School Night of 2022.

We are excited to be bringing back this Steller tradition after the last few years of on-line learning. 

Agenda will be as follows:

Welcome and staff introduction.

Welcome and introduction from SPG:

  • What does Steller Parent Group do?
  • Fundraising needs
  • How you can get involved – we are looking for co-chairs for all positions! If you are interested please stop by the lounge and have a chat or contact Amy at 

Meet each of your student’s teachers in their classroom! 

Light refreshments will be served as well. 

Save the date:

SPG General Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:00 to 7:30

  • Principal Report
  • Staff Report
  • OpGroup Report
  • Steller Treasurer Report
  • Steller Chair Report
  • Volunteer Sign Up