Author Archives: Cindy Franklin

Nurse News 8/17/15

Welcome to a new school year at Steller Secondary.

The nurse’s office is working to keep our students’ shot records up to date in order to stay in compliance with the State of Alaska’s requirements. Please update your student’s medical health history records yearly and as necessary. By updating their medical history your child will continue to receive the best nursing care. Screening procedures will begin this fall for vision, hearing, height and weight for all seventh graders, sophomores and new-­‐to-­‐district students. Please review the information below and complete the required forms if it pertains to your child.

Fall Intensives & Travel -­‐ If your student is participating in travel or an overnight intensive, the health office will need updated medical and prescription medication information. Please check with your student as he/she will have paperwork for you to review and return to the health office prior to intensives.

Immunizations Due -­‐ Some students will need immunization boosters prior to starting school and during the school year. The immunization must be received and documentation provided to the nurse prior to attending classes. The State of Alaska has a strict “NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL” policy. Students with Religious exemptions must now be renewed and notarized yearly. They must be updated on or after July 1 and are effective July 1 -­‐ June 30. Previously completed religious exemption forms will NOT be grandfathered. Find the form here:

Flu Shots -­‐ If you would like your child to be vaccinated at school with the seasonal flu shot, please complete the form below and return it to the nurse’s office. Our shot clinic is free and tentatively scheduled for late October. Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS):

Tuberculosis (TB) -­‐ Students who are new to ASD (never enrolled before), and seventh graders must complete the Tuberculosis assessment form below and bring in to the nurse’s office.

Allergy/Anaphylaxis -­‐ Steller is a LATEX-­‐FREE environment. Do not bring latex gloves, balloons, or other items made of latex into the building. Parents of children with a known anaphylactic reaction especially to food, animals, or bee/wasp sting must provide the nurse with an Epi pen and an Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan completed by a physician and signed by the parent. The nurse reviews the plan and notifies the student’s teachers. Teachers are trained to administer the epinephrine auto-­‐injector and it will go with the child on field trips. If you need a copy of the Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan to take to your doctor please contact the school nurse or find the form here:

Asthma -­‐ If your student is prescribed an inhaler, the nurse must have an Asthma Action Plan completed by a physician and parent signed Asthma Plan on file in order for them to self carry or to have an inhaler in nurse’s office. If you need a copy of the Asthma Action Plan to take to your doctor please contact the school nurse or find the form here:

Seizures -­‐ If your child has this medical condition, please have the form below completed by the physician and parent and bring in to the nurse’s office.

Diabetes -­‐ If your child has this medical condition, please have the form below completed by the physician and parent and bring in to the nurse’s office.

PE Excuses -­‐ If a student will need to be out of PE for more than three days a written request from a physician is necessary. The excuse must specify the length of the absence (including the return date,) and diagnoses.

Medication -­‐ If your child requires prescription medication during the school day please contact the nurse for the required paperwork or find the form here: All medication must be provided in the original container. The nurse cannot administer any loose medication that is sent to school in a baggie. If a student will need over-­‐the-­‐counter medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums) a medication form must be parent signed and on file in the nurse’s office. The nurse has only those pain relievers on stock, any others need to be brought into the nurse. Find the Long-­‐Term Non-­‐prescription Medication request here under Medication-­‐ Related forms: Students are prohibited by ASD policy from carrying controlled substance medications, such as those prescribed for ADD/ADHD, to school or to give to the nurse. An adult must bring in this medication. The nurse requests the parent to bring in all controlled medications for proper recording. For questions regarding medication administration at school please contact the nurse.

I hope everyone has a great and safe school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the nurse’s office at 742-­‐4963.

Sincerely, Annette Johansen, M.Ed., RN, NCSN Steller Secondary School Nurse


please click this link: eklutna

Hello Students & Parents Please see attached forms for the 9th grade Eklutna Camping Trip that will be taking place the first day of school. Many of you have already submitted the permission slip, no need to do it again. We have included the food list from last spring. If you are not signed up to bring something, bring snacks to share. Students will meet in Philip’s room Wednesday at 12:30pm to prepare for loading cars for our 1:00pm departure. We will be departing Eklutna at 10:00am the following morning to get students back to school. If you have not turned in your $5.00 for the trip, do so with Haley and Janet in the front office at Steller. They are in the building Mon-Fri from 7:30am-4:00pm. All new to Steller Students are WELCOME! Please complete the permission slip and submit $5.00 to the office.

First Day of School, Overnight Field Trips!!!

9th graders will be going to Eklutna with Jean & Philip. Please turn in your $5.00 and permission slips as soon as possible.

Have questions? Email or

11th graders will be going to SeaLife Center with Ashley, Gerald and Mike. Please turn in your $30.00 and permission slips as soon as possible.

Have questions? Email, or

New to Steller, Welcome!

Parent Group would like to welcome you to Steller Secondary School.  

We are glad that you chose Steller and want to make your transition as pleasant as possible.

Important Information:  

***If you haven’t done so yet, please go to the website at and sign up in the upper left hand corner to receive our Flash email updates. This is the primary source of information for what is happening at Steller.***

Upcoming Events:

New to Steller Orientation: August 18, 6:00pm-7:30pm

First Day of School: August 19, 8:30am-2:05pm

Back to School BBQ: September 3, 5:30pm-7:30pm

For questions or more information, please contact Rebecca at or 907-240-8907.



Sign up for Middle and High School Fall Sports is happening at all the high schools.   If your student wants to participate in a Fall Sport, make sure you have the correct forms to fill out.

You can find these at:

In the top right hand corner there are differentiated links. We have Romig Sports paperwork at the office as well.


It is school board policy that all students that park in the school district parking lots must have a parking permit and that permit will cost $55.00 per semester. Students must pick up a Vehicle Registration and Parking form from the office. Please pay for the permit online through Zangle Parent Connection.

Vehicle safety is important. Please do not speed in the driveway or parking lot. Do not overload your car with passengers, as this is very dangerous for all concerned. Please make sure you drive responsibly. Our school is about responsible freedom, which means in this case to make proper choices before accidents occur. We encourage all visitors to check in at the office. This allows us to know who is in the building for security and fire purposes and helps alleviate confusion about non-permitted cars in Steller’s parking lot.

Fire Lane:

The front access drive is a Fire Lane. Dropping off and picking students up is fine, but we must keep the fire lane clear. Please restrict from idling in front of the school.

Steller Safety:

Safety at Steller is of high importance to the staff. A safe environment is essential to students. I would like to address a few of the safety issues.

  • Stay in a group when leaving the school for lunch or walking to a bus. Stay in the open when at all possible. If anyone approaches you that you do not know, be wary and avoid conflict; seek the nearest safe place and report the situation immediately.
  • If there is a person or a student in our building you know does not belong to the school, please let a staff member know right away. Avoid confrontation; let the staff member find out more information and their purpose at Steller.
  • Riding bikes to and from school: Please do not ride bikes on the school sidewalks or parking lots – WALK THEM. Remember to wear helmets at all times when riding a bike on school property.
  • Skateboards may not be ridden on school property

Thank you for your help in our safety

To the Steller Community from the Principal

Steller Community:

It is with great pride I welcome all of our new and returning students and families to Steller Secondary School for the 2015-16 School Year. I wonder what amazing things students and teachers will come up with this year? I am looking forward to being inspired and in awe of the directions we will go.

We have had a few changes in staff this year. I can’t wait for you to meet our newcomers.

Please welcome:

Becky Gerik                           Language Arts/Social Studies

Jason Collins                        Math

Marianne Pedersen            Counselor

Simone Sanders                   Special Education/Resource

And in a different teaching position:

Mike Moore                           Science

I hope you are ready for supreme effort, cooperation, and to broaden your understanding while sharing and gaining confidence of the world. I expect you all to come ready to make a difference, seek new experiences, and to make Steller the best educational program while experiencing the (responsible) freedom of choice and thoughtfulness.

If you need help, we are here; you have ideas and inspiration, we are here. There are many paths to make and follow… while you’re at it, take a few colleagues along.

Our Lounge Committee really out did them, we have a beautiful lounge to make your own.

See you in the halls, and classrooms or come into the office and say hello, Wren will be glad to see you too.


If you need any assistance, 742-4950


Steller Calendar as of 8/5/15

Steller Secondary School 2015-2016 Calendar   Revised 8/5/15
Date Activity Location Time
7/22-8/7 Wed.-Fri. Online Registration Online through Zangle  
7/30 Thurs. Fall Lottery Deadline Online Lottery 5:00pm
7/31 Friday Fall Lottery Drawing ASD  
8/4-8/5 Tues.-Wed. Pre-Registration Steller Multipurpose Room 8:00am-2:00pm
8/12 Wed. Parent Group Meeting TBA TBA
8/13 Thurs. Teacher’s First Day    
8/18 Tues. New to Steller Orientation Steller Multipurpose Room 6:00pm-7:30pm
8/19 Wed. Student’s First Day, Orientation Advisory Groups 8:30am‐2:05pm
8/20 Thurs. Orientation Continued Advisory Groups  
8/21 Fri. Class Registration   TBA
8/24 Mon. First Day of Classes   8:30am-2:05pm
8/27 Thurs. First Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
TBA Parent Group Meeting Welcoming New Parents  
9/3 Thurs. Deadline to Sign Up for 10/3 SAT Register Online  
9/3 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
9/3 Thurs. Back to School Night BBQ Steller Multipurpose Room 5:30pm‐7:30pm
9/4 Fri. School Picture Day Steller Multipurpose Room 8:30am-11:45am
9/7 Mon. Labor Day   No School
9/9 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
9/11 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
9/10 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
9/17 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
9/17 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐8:00pm
9/18 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
9/18 Fri. Homecoming Soccer Game and Social with Polaris Steller Field, Polaris MPR TBA
9/21 Mon. Quarter 1 Progress Reports Parent Connection  
9/24 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
9/25 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
10/1 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
10/2 Fri. School Picture Retakes Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
10/3 Sat. SAT Test    
10/7 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
10/9 Sat. Deadline to Sign Up for 11/7 SAT Register Online  
10/14 Wed. All Community Meeting   6:00pm‐8:00pm
10/15 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
10/15 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
10/16 Fri. End of 1st Quarter In-Service Day No School for Students
10/20 Tues. Parent Group Meeting Grant Committee 2:00pm-3:30pm
10/21&10/22 Wed.‐ Thur. Student-Led Conferences With your Advisor Students are only in the building for their scheduled conference
10/23 Fri. Professional Development Day In-Service Day No School for Students
10/26 Mon. Peer-Taught Proposals Due Ken’s Room 149 2:05pm
10/29 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
10/30 Fri. October Dance Steller Multipurpose Room 7:00pm‐11:00pm
11/4 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
11/5 Thurs. Deadline to Sign Up for 12/5 SAT Register Online  
11/5 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
11/6 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
11/7 Sat. SAT Test    
11/12 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
11/13 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
11/14 Sat. Auction Gym and MPR 6:00pm-10:00pm
11/16 Mon. Quarter 2 Progress Reports Parent Connection  
11/19 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
11/19 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
11/20 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
11/20 Fri. November Dance Steller Multipurpose Room 7:00pm‐11:00pm
11/26-11/27 Thurs.-Fri. Thanksgiving Break    
12/2 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
12/4 Fri. 2nd Semester Class Registration    
12/4 Fri. December Be the Change Social with Polaris Steller Multipurpose Room 7:00pm‐11:00pm
12/5 Sat. SAT Test    
12/7‐12/17 Intensives    
12/17 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm‐7:30pm
12/18 Thurs. End of 2nd Quarter In-Service Day No School
12/21‐1/1 Mon.-Fri. Winter Break No School Have Fun!!!
12/28 Mon. Deadline to Sign Up for 1/23 SAT Register Online  
1/6 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
1/7 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
1/7 Thurs. Quarter 2 Progress Reports Parent Connection  
1/8 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
1/12 Tues. New to Steller Parent Orientation Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
1/14 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
1/18 Mon. Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School  
1/20 Wed. Steller Activity Day TBA TBA
1/21 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
1/21 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
1/22 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
1/23 Sat. SAT Test    
1/23 Sat. Winter Prom TBA 7:00pm
1/28 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
1/29 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
2/3 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
2/4 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
2/4 Thurs. Open House Ice Cream Social All Steller Building 6:00pm-7:30pm
2/5 Fri. Deadline to Sign Up for 3/5 SAT Register Online  
2/8 Mon. Quarter 3 Progress Reports Parent Connection  
2/11 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
2/12 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
2/12 Fri. February Dance Steller Multipurpose Room 7:00pm‐11:00pm
2/15 Mon. President’s Day No School  
2/18 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
2/18 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
2/19 Fri. Professional Development Day In-Service Day No School for Students
2/24 Wed. Steller Activity Day(Alternate Day) TBA TBA
2/25 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
2/25 Thurs. Talent Show Steller Multipurpose Room 7:00pm
2/26 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
2/25 Thurs.‐2/27 Sat. Model UN    
3/2 Wed. Parent Group Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
3/4 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
3/3 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
3/5 Sat. SAT Test    
3/10 Thurs. March Dance Steller Multipurpose Room  
3/11 Fri. End of 3rd Quarter In-Service Day No School for Students
3/14-3/18 Mon.-Fri. Spring Break No School Have Fun!!!
3/22 Tues. Grant Committee Meeting Parent Group Sponsored 2:00pm-3:30pm
3/24 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
3/24 Thurs. Ad Board Meeting Ken’s Room 149 6:00PM-7:30pm
3/25 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
3/28-4/29 Mon.-Fri. Alaska Measures of Progress State Testing Window  
3/31 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
3/31 Thurs. Spring Lottery Deadline Online Lottery 3:00pm
4/1 Fri. Spring Lottery Drawing ASD  
4/6 Wed. Parent Group Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
4/7 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
4/8 Fri. Deadline to Sign Up for 5/7 SAT Register Online  
4/14 Thurs. Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
4/15 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
4/15 Fri. Sophomore Day BP Energy Center 8:30am-2:00pm
4/15 Fri. Activity Night All Steller Building 9:00pm-7:00am
TBA Senior Breakfast Steller Multipurpose Room 8:00am-8:30am
4/16 Sat. Spring Prom TBA  
4/18 Mon. Quarter 4 Progress Reports Parent Connection  
4/21 Thurs. Last Op Group Meeting TBA 12:00pm-12:30pm
4/21 Thurs. All Community Meeting w/ Soup Steller Multipurpose Room 5:30pm-7:30pm
4/29 Fri. Souper Steller Steller Multipurpose Room 11:45am-12:40pm
4/29 Fri. End of 4th Quarter    
5/4 Wed. Parent Group Ken’s Room 149 6:00pm-7:30pm
5/2- 5/12 Spring Intensives All Steller Building  
5/7 Sat. SAT Test    
5/16 Mon. Steller Olympics All Steller Building  
5/17 Tues. Half Day of School Students must leave the building by 12:00pm 8:30am-11:45am
5/17 Tues. Class of 2016 Graduation Wendy Williamson Auditorium 3:00pm-6:00pm
5/18-5/19 Student Led Conferences With your Advisor Students are only in the building for their scheduled conference
5/19 Thurs. End of 4th Quarter Have a wonderful Summer!!! Students Last Day
5/20 Fri. Teachers Last Day   No School for Students