Auction News

Spring Auction

The Spring Auction is being planned by the Parent Group this year with the help of the 9th Graders.  We will hold our first meeting this Friday, December 10th at 2pm in Ken’s room.

If you helped with the Auction last spring, please consider attending this first meeting so we can brainstorm.  We really need any volunteers who assisted in any way last year to attend this meeting so we can benefit from your experience.  Attending this first meeting does not obligate you to stay on the committee.

Auction Closet Cleanup

Next Friday, December 17 at 11:30am, several volunteers have agreed to meet to clean up the Auction materials in the small room next to the library.  We will also go through any auction items in Phillips’s closet.  We estimate with a group of 4 people, this will take us about 2.5 hours.