Auction Info From the Parent Group Meeting

The Parent Group Meeting on Thursday was focused on the upcoming Auction and discussion of all the details.  Here is an overview of this major fundraising event for Steller:

The annual Steller Auction is next Friday, March 25 from 6:00-10:00 PM. (I know the calendar says 4:00, but bidding doesn’t open until 6:00. (If you come earlier than that, we’ll likely put you to work.) Admission is $5 per person or $10 per family. The theme is “Steller by Starlight” The 9th grade class has been working since January planning and organizing the event, but still needs parent volunteers. If you have already volunteered to help with the auction and have questions, or were intending to volunteer but just haven’t figured out how you can help, please contact Seth E, Sean K, or Jean at

Auction Volunteers

Several parents have responded to Jean’s request to help with check-in, check-out, and setup. After meeting with Jean today, we are not sure the hours she had requested for volunteers will be sufficient to accomplish all that needs to be done. There are tables & chairs to move to the MPR; auction items to catalog, transport, and arrange; decorations to plan and install; food to organize–all before 6:00. As Friday is an in-service day, the building will be open at 8:00 AM. 9th grade students will be there throughout the day to help with all of the above, but having several parents present to supervise and provide direction would be a plus. If you would prefer to stick with the hours you arranged with Jean, that’s fine. If, however, you would like to come in earlier–say 10 am, or noon, help for a couple hours, then leave and return at 6:00 to attend the auction–that would be great too.


We hope to showcase student performances for the auction program, as well as student-created arts and crafts as auction items. Audition times have been posted in the Flash and on the Auction Info white board at Steller. If your student has a talent for performing please have them contact the 9th grade directors: Sean K. or Lorryn W. If your student would like to donate an original piece of art, please have them contact Jean. The art room at Steller will be open this Saturday, March 20 to work on projects–your student must make prior arrangements with Jean if they wish to attend.


In keeping with our elegant theme, we would like to serve hors d’oeuvres and petit fours. We are asking each Advisory Group to be responsible for supplying two trays of finger-foods–one tray of appetizers, and one tray of desserts. We will also need parents to help in the kitchen supervising students, replenishing trays, making coffee & punch, as well as cleaning up.


Also, in keeping with our elegant theme, we’d like to transform the gym into a starlit stage/ballroom. If you can contribute ideas, time, labor, supplies, and/or expertise in accomplishing this feat, contact Rochelle at


We’ve asked each 9th grade student to donate an item for the auction, and then find a friend or business to do the same. Please note that we welcome all donations–you don’t have to be a 9th grade family to contribute. Donated items are gradually trickling in, but we urge you not to wait–the more items brought to school during the next week, the less work we have to do sorting and cataloguing the day of the event. There is an area set aside in the Steller office to drop off your donations. Please be sure to indicate the donor’s name and contact info, as well as the estimated value/starting bid. Our volunteers need this info for the bid sheets and Steller 9th graders will be sending out thank-you notes to all donors.

Stella’s Closet Will be located in the library on auction night. Think of Stella like a consignment shop…a way of finding buyers for things that you don’t need, want, or can’t fit into anymore. Not only do you get a chance to donate the proceeds to the Steller Auction, but you also get the chance to de-clutter the house and put usable goods back out in the marketplace which helps reduce waste. Stella can be a little picky… she is looking for very current or elegant vintage styles: * Women’s, Men’s and Misses Clothing, sizes 0-20, purchased within the last year or two, higher end brand names and/or designer brands. * Shoes that are brand new or are in great condition and very current styles. * Unique Accessories and Designer Jewelry * Designer Handbags

AG Baskets

Each Advisory Group has been asked to supply a theme basket for the auction. Check with your student, their advisor, or the parent liaison in your group for the items needed in their AG. It appears that sometimes AG baskets are embarrassingly undervalued. Please endeavor to keep your group’s basket from becoming “too big to bid on.” If the estimated value increases beyond reason as students send in their items, consider breaking up the collection into a two or more smaller, more affordable baskets.

Please, keep an eye out for further updates on the Steller Community website via the Flash.

Rochelle Wilhelm

Parent Group