Ask Barack Obama

If your students had one burning question to ask President-elect Barack Obama, what would it be? , an educational social networking site, is offering K-12 students across the nation a chance to get that message across to the next president of the United States. Whether it’s global warming, world peace, or the economy, the Your Presidential Minute contest encourages students to think creatively and passionately about the issues that matter most to them-and then to convey that message to Obama in the form of a one-minute audio recording, a one-minute video, a 200-word written submission, or a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation. All submissions should directly address the president-elect.

Students should think “globally and be creative,” such as writing a song, poem, or speech to emphasize their points. ePals will compile the best responses online and share them with the president-elect, his transition team, and members of the ePals Global Community.
Videos, audio files, and other media can be uploaded to Election Central, and written entries should be submitted to

The contest is being offered through ePals’ Election Central page, which allows students to discuss their ideas with family, friends, and teachers, as well as their peers around the world through Election Central’s student forums.