Art students re-make art from Re-Store “junk” and have an Art Show

Last month, students from Steller’s Art 1 class visited Habitat For Humanity’s ReStore where each one chose a used and discarded household fixture on which to plan a painting.  Over the past 3 weeks, they have been re-working these fixtures into works of art. DSC04596

In their words:  “Throughout the semester we have been learning and applying the Design Elements and Principles, and focusing on color to create artists’ reproductions.  What we have to show here is our progress in capturing and emphasizing the design.

“With our 3-D pieces, we learned to adapt a chosen art piece, and that we had to literally alter the original piece to fit our object.  We were forced to “go with it”. Now that they are completed, we have found that our artistic abilities have been stretched and challenged by our assignment. We find that it is easier to analyze pieces made by others and now, our own.  We can mix the 3 primary colors to get thousands of other color possibilities. We have been pushed to see the importance of art, and in doing so, we have found our inner artist.”

Thanks to the generous support of The ReStore and Blaine’s Art Supply, two of our School-Business partnerships, students from 2 Steller classes will be showing their art in an art show, called “Manufactured” at Blaine’s, Friday, from April 4 for the next few weeks. The First Friday opening is Friday April 4 from 5 – 7 p.m.  All are welcome!