
Special Souper Steller this week– Troy’s Advisory will be hosting Spaghetti!  Help needed in the kitchen Thursday 2-4pm and Friday 9am-1pm! All are welcome for any hour, no experience necessary.  For questions, please email


Steller Community International Potluck Planning Committee meets Monday 2/13 11:45am at Crostini’s – come and give your ideas about how we can enjoy food from all over the world and celebrate the diversity in our community, warmly welcoming ALL! More information on this to come next week after the meeting. Email with questions.


SOMETHING NEW- Wednesdays At Coffee Klatch (WACK) for ALL Steller Parents, Students and Principal – Wednesday 2/15 7:30-8:30am, in the Steller Staff lounge – As a way to better connect busy parents who might want to share their experiences about various topics, we are trying this forum (things like the college process, participating in sports/classes in other schools, dating, talking about drugs, whatever parents WANT to talk about!) This week, because of the urgency, we will have information available about the looming cuts to Steller and what we can do about it.

Next Parent Group Meeting  – March 7th at 6pm