American Red Cross Coin Drive

It’s time to empty that coin jar!  This year, Steller Secondary students chose Haiti Earthquake Relief through the American Red Cross of Alaska as our annual coin drive fundraiser.

On January 12, 2010, a series of earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 6.5 to 7.3 devastated Haiti. The American Red Cross is working with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, including the Haitian Red Cross, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster.

So empty your coin jar, check those couch cushions and turn your pockets inside out and lets put the estimated $10.5 billion in loose change that sits idle in American households to a good cause.

Steller’s coin drive will run from 2/1/10 through 2/12/10.

The advisory group who raises the most money will be treated to a pizza party!

Donations can be spare change, cash, check, or made online @ via the American Red Cross website. (Secure page link)  Please be sure to write Steller and your student’ name in the “remember someone special” box.  This will be the only way we will know it is from Steller and for which Advisory Group.