Alaska State Fair Volunteer request

Valued Volunteers (past and current),

August brings one of Alaska’s biggest events of the year, The Alaska State Fair.
This year is especially important as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alaska and the upcoming merger between the Anchorage Museum and The Imaginarium.
As in the past, The Imaginarium will have a large area at the fair. This year the theme is “Space.” The Out to Space Exhibit will be traveling to the fair as with our outreach Planetarium.

I am looking for some of you wonderful volunteers to come out and join us at The Imaginiarum’s tent to greet and meet the public. Because of the nature of the fair it is not necessary to have been a previous or current volunteer to come and help out. Family and friends (14 years old and older) are invited to come and volunteer with us at the fair.
I have admissions passes available for all volunteers
If you bring 2 or more people for a full shift there are parking passes available.
The shifts are 5-6 hours long (but this is negotiable.)
A shuttle is available from the Imaginarium to the fair. (on a set schedule. please contact me for more info)
The shifts are as follows
Mon – Tues 12-4 and 4-8 (12-8 if you take the shuttle)
Friday 12-5 and 5-10
Saturday and Sunday 10-4 and 4-10

Because this is a special event you will get double time in addition to passes and a wonderful and memorable fair experience.

I really hope that you can come and help!

Thanks again volunteers. Your time and efforts are so appreciated and valued. We couldn’t make the Imaginarium what it is without you!


Karen Kniskern
Volunteer and Visitor Services
The Imaginarium
737 West 5th Avenue Ste G
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2129
Direct (907) 343-0611
Fax (907) 258-4306