Alaska Performance Scholarships

ACTION ALERT: Speak Out About Alaska Performance Scholarships

Dear Fellow Alaskan, We need you to take action today to help ensure that Alaska Performance Scholarships are funded this year for high school seniors who earn them.

This year, 9,000 graduating high school seniors have the opportunity to earn major financial aid from the State of Alaska to pursue their degree or vocational training in Alaska.

Over the next three years, 30,000 Alaskan children will be eligible to receive up to $4,755 each per year. There is only one problem: the Legislature is not delivering the funding that our high school seniors are relying on, with several Senators specifically working to delete that funding from next year’s budget.

As of today, there are 32 days remaining in this legislative session, which is now nearly two-thirds complete. Will you take action to help us secure funding for Alaska Performance Scholarships? There are four specific ways that you can help:

Write me with your own story for how the Alaska Performance Scholarship will help you personally or help your family. We need your personal story.
Email me here <>

Post a message on your personal Facebook or Twitter page about why you think these scholarships are important for Alaska’s future. If you are using Twitter, please use the #APS and #akleg hashtags.

Immediately call or email your member of the Alaska State House and State Senate – and ask them to fund the scholarships – this is very important. You can find your legislator here

Participate in public testimony in the Senate Finance Committee on funding for the scholarships next week through your local Legislative Information Office
(list here <> )

These scholarships will improve high school graduation rates and position our state for economic growth through a better educated and trained workforce. Please take action today. Alaskan students need your help.


Governor Sean Parnell

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Office of the Governor | PO Box 110001 | Juneau, AK 99811