AG Notes for 12/05/11

Our December Dance is This Friday Dec 9th,  7:00 –11:00.  

The theme is Gender/Bender, $4.00 if dressed in attire, $5.00 if not.

The Guest book has in the office for students to sign up    guests.

Guest Sign up ends tomorrow,  Tuesday, Dec. 6th at 12:00pm


Please remember the following rules:

  Only guests from ASD area allowed.

Only TWO guests per Steller student.

Guests MUST have a picture ID!

Guests MUST be 7th grade through 12th grade only.



Steller T-Shirt Designs need to be turned in to Deanna or Leigh Anne by Wednesday!!

There will be a 7th grade class meeting at noon on Tuesday in Ashley’s Room.  Please remember to bring your list of your favorite things.

There will be a practice run through for the LPF test out on Tuesday Dec. 6th at 2:15 in the gym. All students planning on going to the test out in January must attend the practice run through. Be prepared to run a mile and do some crunches and push ups as well as some stretching.

If you have two K wavier grades and would like to test out the process is fairly simple but you must come and see me to complete the requirements.

Ski/Snowboard intensive packets will be ready by Friday.  Please pick up your packet anytime on Friday and remember your “Intent to Register” forms need to be turned into Jen by the 16th of this month.

Senior class meeting Tuesday at 11:45am, Pizza will be provided, but is limited to first come, fist served.

Steller’s talent show is January 20th, so start planning your act.

Due to rollover from 1st semester visual arts classes, there are several classes that are experiencing overcrowding.  In an effort to have each class be a meaningful and worthwhile experience for each student, I’m sincerely asking for the following:

1.  10 new students to 6th hour art to move to 4th hour art or another 6th hour class

2.  Any high school students in 4th hour art to move to 5th hour Drawing/Design

(that would include Jordyn High, Kashtin Boberick, Natalie Curtiss, Marina Noble, Taelahna Bennett, Harrison Bivins, Haleigh Brannon, Ritchard Thomas)

I greatly appreciate your consideration.

Peter Alward, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at UAA will be at Steller next week during lunchtime. Peter is the director of nursing at North Star Residential Treatment Center and has decades of experience working with adolescents.  He will talk casually to students in the common area about underage alcohol consumption and street drug use.

Peter had excellent rapport with youth and a wealth of knowledge to share. Bring your lunch that day so that you do not miss a single word from this fabulous speaker. Have your questions and concerns available for him. If you have a specific question you want asked anonymously, write the question on a piece of paper and put it in the yellow box with the question marks it in the front office. Peter will likely be here Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I will let you know the exact day at the next AG meeting.  If you have any questions about this event, please see Nurse Anne

Food Drive reminder: our challenge is 1000 lbs of food in 9 days….

The Model United Nations group will meet at noon on Wednesday in Ken’s room. We are still looking for delegates. If you are a high school student with interest in foreign affairs, come join us.

PSAT results are in, see John for your score.