AG Notes for 11-21-1

AG Announcements – 11/21/11

The Ski/Snowboard Intensive meeting was moved from last week to this week.  If you are interested in downhill ski/snowboard for your winter intensive then you must attend the ski/snowboard meeting in Jen’s room this Tuesday at noon.  We will be discussing class fees and getting an idea of how many are interested.

There will be a 7th grade class meeting on Tuesday, November 29th (after Thanksgiving).  Arrange your schedule to be there, we will be starting an exciting new project.  Tuesday the 29th at noon in Ashley’s room.

Thanksgiving Closure Information

On Wednesday, November 23rd (the day before Thanksgiving), the building will close and the doors will be locked at 3 p.m.  Students must be picked up BEFORE 3 p.m.

Please be considerate of the teachers and staff who want to prepare for their holiday, too!

There is no school Thursday or Friday, November 24 – 25.

There will not be any After School Activities (Drama, Chess Club, etc.) on Wednesday, November 23rd.

Holiday Tree Lighting - Volunteer Opportunities

We need 8 volunteers to help with the the Holiday Tree Lighting this Friday, a few from 2 – 4PM and a few from 5 –7PM.  If you’re interested or have any question see the Steller Flash or stop by the office.

If you’re a high school student interested in learning the fine points of diplomacy, expanding your knowledge of the world around  you, and honing your debating skills, Steller’s Model United Nations group is just the thing to meet your needs. We’ll meet Wednesday, November 23 at noon in Ken’s room. He will have all the particulars on this year’s Alaska Model United Nations conference which will be held February 23, 24, and 25. Come and hear about this great opportunity to expand your horizons and add something meaningful to your resume.

Are you interested in designing a new Steller logo for t-shirts and sweatshirts?  Deanna and Leigh Anne are planning to sell new Steller shirts and are holding a t-shirt design contest.  If interested, stop by Leigh Anne’s for a template and start your design work.  Designs need to have four or fewer colors and can be hand drawn and done graphically on the computer.  Art does need to be your original design.  All entries are due to Leigh Anne or Deanna by Tuesday Dec. 6th.  We will then allow Steller students to vote for the best one.