The staff is proposing the following intensive dates for the 2013-14 school year: Dec. 9-19th and May 5-16th, at the end of semesters. (August would not be an option this year due to religious holiday dates.) Each advisory group should vote to determine whether or not they’re in support of this.
Also, advisories should discuss (and vote on) whether they like having the Steller Olympics at the end of testing week. The other option is to move the Olympics to the end of the year. If we did this, the Olympics would take the place of the Activity Day the last week of school.
Interested in teaching a class, but are not wanting to run the entire class yourself? Or have you been wanting to teach a core class instead of an elective? Then consider being a Co-Teacher. Co-teachers work with a classroom teacher on creating lesson plans and teaching regular core classes. CO-Teachers teach with the teachers so the Co-Taught classes get the benefit of 2 teachers. There will be a meeting at noon on Wednesday in Jen’s room with more information. Or stop by Jen’s room anytime to see the list of next year’s Co-Taught classes.
Presentation Day – Steller students are known for being involved and creative individuals – it’s time to share and celebrate that! The morning of May 16th (graduation day) is set aside for presentations of projects completed throughout the school year.  Passages, peer-taughts, clubs, mentorships and intensives are all experiences students are encouraged to share with the community.  Students who are interested in performing or presenting during one or more sessions should talk to their advisors today so that we can put together the schedule. (Seniors interested in presenting can do so in the earliest sessions so they can get to graduation rehearsal.)
Nurse Anne wants to thank the Sophomores for being so polite to the presenters on Sophmore Day, for the very positive interaction and for the helpful comments on the evaluation forms. She has forwarded your thoughtful, positive comments on to the presenters. All of you were model students. Thank you for representing Steller so well.
Remember to order your Steller shirts, sweatshirts, and hats now. Pick up order forms from your advisor or the office and return them to Lee, Deanna, or Leigh Anne by next Monday.
Tickets: $20.00 per Person Sign up Guest’s in the Office  Sign up deadline is May1st @ noon
Please remember the following rules: Only TWO guests per Steller student. ALL Guests MUST have a picture ID! Guests MUST be 7th grade through 12th grade up to 20 years of age
Advisory Groups, please consider:
- Â Should Steller continue Souper Steller Fridays?
-  How should we fund it? (currently, each meal costs $1.50-$2.75 and the last few weeks’ donations have come in at $.72-$1.25)
-  The sky is the limit…What should the lunches be like? What served, where should they be served, should there be an open mic time as well, or music?
- Â How can Steller students take more leadership in the project if they want to?
Email to with ideas. Thanks a bunch!
Students interested in attending CloseUp next fall need to attend a meeting this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. I’ll have updates for you along with costs and itinerary info.
There is a mandatory sophomore meeting on Tuesday in Ken’s room at noon. This will be a planning session for the Senior Breakfast.