AG Notes 3/26/12

All sophomores who have not returned their consent form for Sophomore Day please do so as soon as possible. You can access another consent from the Steller website, if you have misplaced yours.  All sophomores are required to attend this event.  There will be pizza for lunch provided by the Parent Group.

The girl’s Motivational Group has been postponed until Tuesday, April 3rd immediately after school in the conference room. Please see nurse Anne for additional information, if you are interested.

This Thursday, the Lion’s Club will have volunteers at Steller to give free vision screenings to all students. This is a very sophisticated screening. It does not require a consent We hope to screen all Steller students and any parent or staff member who is interested. If you have a prescription for glasses or contacts. please wear them.  An accurate assessment cannot be done if you do not have them on at the time of the screening.

All students wishing to test out of LPF this year must attend a practice run through. This April 17th is the last day for test out. There will be a practice run through tomorrow March 27th in the gym at lunch.

Students who want to offer a peer-taught next semester need to present their proposals to the staff next Monday after school in Ken’s room.

There will be a 7th grade meeting on Tuesday at noon in Ashley’s Room.  We will be sealing the time capsule for the year, so please bring anything you would like included in it.

There will be a Senior class meeting at noon tomorrow in Natalie’s room.  Part of this meeting will be a breakout work session to make a plan for Activity Night.

Permission slips for this year’s Activity Night are in the office.  You must have the form filled out and returned in order to attend.  Permission slips are due April 9th.

Leigh Anne is ready to get students signed up to come onboard with her to Puerto Rico for next December’s Sailing Intensive.  The total cost will be between $2500 and $3250, depending on the number of participants.  The first payment of $850 is due by April 5th. Please feel free to stop by if you have any questions.   Payment and forms can be brought to Leigh Anne any day between now and then.  Checks need to be made out to Steller Secondary.

Are you planning to Sail or head to Whistler for the Dec. 2012 Intensives and are going to apply for a travel scholarship? If so, scholarship forms are due to the office on April 2nd.

The college and career planning lunch with John will meet this Wednesday the 28th notTuesday as previously scheduled.

Greece Meeting Wednesday at Noon in Philips room to discuss our next gathering.

Junior class meeting on Tuesday in Philip’s room.

Close Up will meet again this week on Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. This is a great opportunity to get an inside look at Washington D.C. and Colonial Williamsburg while earning a quarter of government credit at the same time. If you’re the least bit curious, come join us on Wednesday and get the full story.

Heads up, artists of Steller! Yearbook is hosting an awesome new design contest, where your artwork can be used as the cover of next year’s yearbook. If you are a Steller student with a talent for art, take part in this great opportunity. Voting will be done by the yearbook staff, and if your cover is chosen you will receive a FREE copy of next year’s finished yearbook, complete with your winning cover art.  If you are serious about creating original artwork for all of the Steller community to see, please contact Svetlana about further details.

The parent group believes that the most important component at Steller is the student body. High quality students who are committed to the school’s educational philosophy make for an excellent academic environment promoting teacher retention, student recruitment, and overall reputation of excellence.

We are concerned that there is no longer a wait list for Steller and have noted examples of loss of excellent Steller students. We therefore propose a recruitment and retention coordinator who works closely with the principle and staff and who is funded and answers to the parent group.