AG Notes 2/6/12

Mandatory Greece meeting Tuesday at Noon in Philips room. We will be getting final flight information and checklists for travel

There will be a very brief garden club meeting on Wednesday in Danielle’s room at the start of lunch. Anyone interested is welcome.

Quick 7th grade meeting at noon in Ashley’s room on Tuesday.  Bring letters and photos/memorabilia.

Model United Nations group will meet this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. This is an important meeting and all delegates are expected to attend.

We still need lots of parents and students to sign up for the blood drive February 17th. Zackary Porter was the first to offer a donation.  He is an underaged student, but received the permission form and can’t wait to donate. This following quote comes from Karen Glavanic, the parent of two former students at Steller who continues to do so much to keep our website functioning.  “You can use my name to promote the blood drive if you want.  My treatment has required six pints of blood so far and I would not be here without it.  This is a way people can help, not me but others, just like other donors were there for me.” Karen has some significant health problems, but is hanging in there and as always thinking of what she can do to help Steller.

Dress Code Reminder:  Staff is still continuing to see students wearing clothing that are not appropriate for school.  If a staff member sees a student in violation with the dress code he or she will now be sent to the office to change.

Last call for Shadow Volunteers.  Sign up with Elizabeth in the office.  Shadowing starts next Monday, February 13th.