Seniors, Yearbook needs your senior pictures and senior portraits right now! Please submit them to Svetlana soon it would be too late!!!!!
The class fee for Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle! Is due by Monday of next week. Bring $35 to Bob ASAP.
Model United Nations group meets today in Ken’s room @ noon. Have your resolutions ready for submission. See you then.
Those interested in learning more about the Sailing Intensive come to Leigh Anne’s room today at lunch.
Those interested in learning more about Jen’s California Adventure Intensive come to her room noon on Wednesday for more information.
There will be a quick meeting at the beginning of lunch for students in the Winter Outdoor Activity intensive in the Study Skills room
In Ad board it was passed that students may take the ski/snowboard intensive two years in a row, because of this Jen and Troy are allowing up to 15 more students to join this year’s ski/snow intensive. If you would like to sign up you must come to Jen’s room today at noon.
We still need donors for next Friday’s Blood Drive. If you are between 16 and 18 you can donate with parental consent.  You also need to weigh at least 113 pounds. See Nurse Anne if you have not picked up a consent form. They are in an attachment on Flash in the articles about the blood drive.
The nurse is interested in starting a six week study group for girls. This group is open to any adolescent girl who wants to know more about motivational styles and how to apply those styles to their schoolwork, job, other people, etc.  It will start immediately after school, March 14th, the Wednesday following spring intensives, and will last about 45 minutes. It will continue for six weeks. See Nurse Anne for more information and a consent if you are interested in participating.
Close Up is headed to Washington DC next November and now is the time to start planning your trip. Come to Ken’s room on Wednesday at noon for the full story on this fabulous travel opportunity for high school students. If you have questions in the meantime, talk with students who went last time: Jacob Holly-Kline, Andre Lacsina, Cai Doran, Emily Beeson, or Krystal Griffin. They can give you a good idea of what to expect in DC.
There will be a meeting for the “College and Career” Intensive tomorrow, Tuesday, at lunch in the MPR.
Students taking the Winter Outdoor Activity intensive (cross country skiing, ice skating, and snowshoeing) with Deanna, there will be a quick informational meeting this Wednesday at the beginning of lunch in the Study Skills classroom.  You will need the information from this meeting in order to be prepared for the first day of the intensive.
We will have an ASM today at 9:05 in the MPR to talk about next year’s travel trips.