AG Announcements – 9/22/14

There is a meeting for the dance procedure committee of op-group today at lunch at noon in Leigh Anne’s room.

High school girls – please see Ashley for more details if you are interested in volunteering with the YWCA to plan and work at the Multicultural Leadership Conference for middle school girls this November.

Each year, the United States Senate Youth Program brings two students from each state, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Education Activity to Washington to experience an intensive week-long educational program about the workings of the Senate and the federal government. This Program is from March 7th-14th, 2015. Each of the 104 student delegates will receive a $5,000 undergraduate college scholarship, and all-expenses paid trip to the nation’s capital. The student delegates will visit Capitol Hill, the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Supreme Court and other historic sites in Washington. The agenda routinely includes meetings with Senators, the President, Cabinet Secretaries, a Justice of the Supreme Court, senior members of the national media and other policy makers.

The 53rd Senate Youth Program Week will take place in Washington, D.C. from March 7 -14, 2015, and state designees will be required to attend all days.  The entire week will be planned and coordinated by the Hearst Foundation.  It will include many specific functions and events at national landmarks; however, personal free time will be extremely limited.  Applicants should take this under consideration when applying. The delegate selection is administered by each state’s chief school officer in cooperation with high school principals. Delegates must be:

  1. Current high school juniors or seniors
  2. An elected student officer for the 2014-2015 academic year
  3. Residents of Alaska

For a brochure and student application see Reed.

10th grade meeting at noon on Tuesday in Ashley’s room. We will be debriefing the dance.

There will be an informational meeting for a travel Intensive to Ashland, Oregon on Wednesday in Bob’s room. The trip will take place during the Spring Intensive dates of early March. We will be traveling to see multiple plays that are a part of the Shakespeare festival. The meeting will start at noon and will look at plays, dates, and cost of the trip. See you there.

Juniors, and anyone else that wants to…spots for the PSAT are filling up fast. This is important and you don’t want to miss your chance.  Sign up with Haley in the office; the PSAT is Saturday, October 18th, $22.00 Check (made out to Steller) or cash.  If you have any questions see John in the office.

The deadline for Yearbook Cover Competition is October 17th. Please let Svetlana know if you want to participate.

Students: Are you doing a Passage project that needs funding or part of a club or group that needs money? If so, Steller has project funds to help support students. If you are asking for less than $500, you present your request to Parent Group. If it is over $500, it goes to Ad. Board. Op group also has money to help support student projects, such as murals. Forms are in the office and a request for funds needs to be made and approved before you make your purchases. If you have more questions, ask Leigh Anne.

All 7th graders will begin doing TB screenings, vision, hearing, height and weight starting next Monday 9/29. Someone will come to get students from class in no particular order. Annette would appreciate students to leave class quietly and respectfully.