Students who wish to teach a peer-taught during intensives need to present their proposals to the staff on Monday, October 14th. Second semester peer-taught proposals should be presented on Monday, October 28th.
During fall, many students seek letters of recommendation for college and other programs. If you are requesting a letter, remember to ask at least two weeks ahead of time. This is the courteous and professional thing to do.
If you play sports for other schools and want your picture in the Steller Yearbook please contact the Yearbook class (or more specifically Savannah Holland).
Juniors: Please come to Leigh Anne’s room at lunch on Tuesday to discuss prom and fundraising. We will be setting up committees for prom. The meeting will start at noon.
The Nicaragua Intensive Trip will meet this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. We have updated info on airfare costs and the changes in our itinerary. Please be sure to be there as this information may be critical in your decision to come. See you there!
Nurse Anne did not receive enough flu vaccinations to give everyone their dose today. Health Services was short on their supply. She will administer the remaining vaccinations tomorrow. If your parents did NOT sign a consent at registration, but they want you to receive the flu vaccination, then come see Nurse Anne by the end of the day for a consent to take home.
Please remember there will be peer presenters coming to talk to you about drug addictions next Monday, September 23rd. They will begin their presentation during advisory at about 11:20a. If you are interested you need to ask your adviser if you can attend. If your advisory group has a lot going on that you need to be present for, you can still join the discussion during your lunchtime. These are adolescent peer educators who go out into the community to talk about topics related to people your age. They were very well received when they presented on Sophomore Day last year.
The Student Directory is coming out this month. If you want your information printed in the directory, you must have your parent complete and sign the Student Directory Form by Friday. All forms must be turned in to the office by Friday September 20, or your name will NOT be in the directory.  Your advisor or Wendy Woolf has forms for anyone who needs them.  If you’re not sure that your parent has signed a form, check on the spreadsheet on the counter in the office, if there is a purple check by your name, we have a signed directory form from your parent.
9th graders, please check with Ashley or President Emily to see what you’re signed up for during Friday’s dance. Everyone has a job!
Please see Ashley if you’re a creative, fun, and personable high school girl who could help out with a Middle School Girls Leadership Conference put on by the YWCA. Commitment is limited to 5 meetings in October and helping at the conference one day in November. It will be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to help others!
There will be a Senior meeting in Ken’s room tomorrow at noon. We will be voting on the venue for the Winter Prom and planning support for the Craft Fair fundraiser as well as other items. See you there!
Join us for our Sept. 20th Dance on Friday, from 7pm-11pm
*Girls in Pearls***Guys in Ties*
$5.w/o costume, $3. in pearls/in ties
Every student that is signing up a guest MUST FILL IN ALL AREAS required…Your first and last name, guest’s full name ( NO NICK NAMES), guests school, guest’s student id number, guest’s home phone number. If these are not completed your guest WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to the dance.  PLEASE REMEMBER ONLY ASD SCHOOLS OR ASD HOMESCHOOLS WHICH ARE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP AND FRONTIER.
 Sign up for guests and all complete information in the office ends tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 17th at 3:00 pm NO EXCEPTIONS!
 The Guest sign up book is available in the office since Monday, Sept 9th and will close on Tuesday, Sept. 17th at 3:00 pm (NO EXCEPTIONS)  DO NOT WAIT TO SIGN UP YOUR GUESTS!!!!! Students please remember when signing up your guests you MUST Fill Out ALL Information correctly and completely in order for your guest to attend.  Students and Guests who have ANY outstanding fines must have them paid in full 24 hours prior to the dance for processing.
 Office Policies for Paying Fines and Fees
- You must have exact payment amount as the office does not make change.
- Fines for dances must be paid at least 24 hours prior to the dance for processing.
- Payment days and hours will be as follows: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursday’s,  7:30 – 8:30, 11:45 – 12:40, 2:05 – 3:30 pmÂ
- We only accept cash or checks. We unfortunately do not accept credit cards.