After School Folk Club

Folk Club (Formerly called choir)

Description:  This is an opportunity to learn the art of arranging a song, learn new songs from different eras, sing, learn the art of developing your own harmonies; bring your instrument and learn how to improvise.   Basic beginning guitar will be incorporated, and skill building in whatever instrument you play will be part of the class.

Instructor:  Mary Schallert, Director of Alaska Folk Arts

When:  Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:15-3:00

Where:  Multipurpose Room

Note:    The direction of this class will depend upon attendance and the interests of the participants.   We can host Open Mics, songwriting circles and community performances such as a school time visit to Pioneer Home, Perform at the Anchorage Folk Festival, and whatever the participants can imagine, we can at least start with imagining it and then see if we can make it happen.

First class is:   Tuesday, August 28th