AG Announcements – 10/17/11
Reminder – New Book Fine Procedure
Effective 10/01/2011 – any student on the fine list will not be able to attend the school dances until the fine is cleared.  Make sure and check with the office to see if your name is on the fine list.
Make-up Picture Day
Friday, October 21st Lifetouch will be here during lunch (11:45 – 12:40pm) to take pictures of those who missed the 1st picture day or want to re-take their picture.
Order forms are in the office.
Lunch with the Principal – October is National Principals Month
Congratulations to Peyton W. and Sarah B. who won Lunch with the Principal on Friday, October 7th.
Two more students will have the opportunity to have Lunch with the Principal on Friday, October 21st. Â Sign up in the office!
Just a reminder that the Dance request book comes off the office counter at noon Tuesday the 18th (tomorrow) for guest sign up.  All information must be filled  in by noon tomorrow to be able to request the guest and book fines must be paid and in good standing by both Steller student and guest.  Absolutely NO exceptions once the book comes off the counter for adding guests or changing information since the book has been available for two weeks.
Temple of the Bean meeting in the conference room on Tuesday (tomorrow)
during lunch for all current and prospective members. There will be pizza.
College Fair next Sunday and Monday. Look at the Flash during the week for
more information.
Advisors: Â Please remember to have your advisory vote on the Intensive proposal, if they have not already done so.
Students: Â Entertainers are needed for the Auction. Â If you are interested, please show up in the MPR this Thursday, October 20th at lunch or afterschool to audition. Â All types of acts are welcome.