Advisory Group Announcements- November 22, 2010

An important meeting for students participating in the Winter Camping Intensive will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, at noon in Ken’s room. Be sure to attend.

Due to the rain and icy road conditions all after school activities including KCC 3rd Session has been cancelled for today.

We plan to run our regular activity calendar tomorrow. If this changes, we will use the standard procedure of letting you know before 11:00am if it is necessary to cancel activities tomorrow.

As per the fire marshal, all clothing needs to be hung on a hook. All book bags need to be up against a wall under the hooks not in front of the office or lounge area. Clothing on the floor will get us fined $75. per article of clothing.

Also, the large pink tables in the lounge area are for students that are working on homework, SDL/special projects or IS. They are not for storage of book bags, lunches or instruments etc. please refrain from that practice.

Thank you.


The class fee for the Fiber Arts Intensive is due next Monday to Leigh Anne.
Temple of the Bean Intensive: Please sign up with Nina to bring an item to the kitchen on the first day of intensives. First come, first pick!