Advisory Group Announcements – November 1, 2010

Eighth grade class meeting this Tuesday in Leigh Anne’s Room:  We will be looking at fund-raising options and starting to plan our winter party.
Everyone is invited to the Community Cafe meeting this Wednesday in the MPR, from 6:00-7:30.  This is an Italian Potluck, so bring your favorite Italian dish to share and your family.
There will be an important travel meeting for Close Up participants today at noon in Ken’s room. Please be sure to be there.

There is a mandatory 7th grade class meeting tomorrow at noon in Bob’s room.

Panamá Trip participants:  please  sign up for Smoothie Friday in Nina’s room!

Plan assessment is Wednesday November 3rd (our MPR is being used for polling on Tuesday) and theWorkKeys is on Thursday the 4th.  Both assessments begin at 8:45 and should be over before lunch.