Advisory Group Announcements – January 18, 2011

Prom is coming!  Winter Wonderland, baby.  Get your tickets on sale at lunch.  $15 per person. Last year we sold out so get yours soon!! The Winter Prom will be at Viking Hall , Saturday night February 5thfrom 8 – Midnight.
February 5th is ASD’s annual alternative fair.  Is it a chance for perspective students and their families to learn about different alternative schools.  It is a great opportunity for us to recruit new students.  We are looking for students to help out at the fair.  Please let Jen know if you are interested.

February 10th is our school’s Ice Cream Social (Open House) for perspective students and their families.  We are looking for students to help out.  Let Jen know if you are interested.  The times of the Open House are 6:30-8.

**WorkKeys for Seniors on January 27th, 830 in the MPR.

Library Matters:

Overdues went out last week.   I hope everyone that needed one, got it.  Please try to locate all the books from last quarter.

Some of you have Preview  books for which you have promised to write a review.  This is a reminder  …and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.   Please  get them in to Karen.  It’s great you agreed to read these new books in the library and tell your peers about them.  We thank you.

February Creative Commons:

On Friday, February 25th, we will be celebrating the love of words, images, music, and dance with the second Creative Commons.  The  theme is poetry.  Anybody wishing to perform should prepare for preliminary auditions on February 1st and 2nd after school.

See Alayne, a Creative Commons Committee Member, or advertisements for details.


MATHCOUNTS Competition is a national middle school coaching and competitive mathematics program with four levels of competition-school, chapter (local), state and national. Consisting of fun and creative problems that promote critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, the MATHCOUNTS competitions have written and oral rounds, as well as individual and team components. MATHCOUNTS Club opens to 7th and 8th grade and will meet twice a week at noon in Shanley/DanLu’s room.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of  Anchorage would like Steller to field one or more teams for the Bowl for Kids Sake campaign.  Teams consist of 4-6 people.  See handout for detailed instructions.  Your advisor has a copy and there is one on the announcement board next to the whiteboard near the front office.
All I.S. P.E. Students need to see Troy this week. Students that have not completed a contract will be dropped.

Try Outs for the Talent Show are this Wednesday after school. Talent Show is January 28th. Also… We’re looking for Seniors to MC and to perform a Senior Skit: See Anna Miller, Kaylin Sauer, or Jennifer W.

Model United Nations meets Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. We have our countries and need to assign delegates to committees. It is vitally important that you attend.

Steller’s My Anti-Drug Club (Steller’s MAD) will meet Wednesday at noon in Nurse Wendy’s office; please join us to discuss plans for a student led anti-drug campaign here at Steller.